In This Topic
For a list of all members of this type, see Tracer members.
Public Properties
| Name | Description |
  | Instance |
Returns the singleton Tracer instance.
  | Level |
Gets or sets the level that controls the types of messages recorded
to file. Available levels include: Error, Warning, Info, Verbose and Off.
  | LogToConsole |
Gets or sets tracing to System.Console.Out.
  | TraceError |
Gets whether tracing of error messages to file is configured,
level set to Error, Warning, Info or Verbose.
  | TraceInfo |
Gets whether tracing of information message to file is configured,
level set to Info or Verbose.
  | TraceOff |
Gets whether tracing to file is currently disabled, level set to Off.
  | TraceVerbose |
Gets whether verbose tracing of all messages to file is configured,
level set to Verbose.
  | TraceWarning |
Gets whether tracing of warning messages to file is configured,
level set to Warning, Info or Verbose.
See Also