Proficy Historian Client Access API
Inheritance Hierarchy
In This Topic
    Proficy.Historian.ClientAccess.API Namespace
    In This Topic
    Class Represents details of the Alarm Attributes Object, these are the Vendor Attributes.
    Class Represents details of the AlarmInfo Object.
    Class Represents details of the AlarmNotification Object.
    Class Represents details of individual archive files in a Historian server. Archives are multi-megabyte files containing data between well defined start and end times. A constraint of the server does not allow two or more archives to exist with overlapping start or end times.
    Class Represents an archive file query.
    Class Represents the set of statistics maintained for Historian archives.
    Class This is the value type for array tags in Historian
    Class Represents a single node retrieved during a hierarchical tag browse.
    Class Represents a computed quality value derived from raw qualities recorded in a Historian server. Calculated quality is a percent value with 100% equivalent to good quality and 0% equivalent to bad quality.
    Class Represents a calculated data query.
    Class Represents a collection of calculations consisting of a calculation name and it's implementing source code.
    Class CCriteriaStringModifier - Capable of parsing an input string to sampling modes, calculation modes and query modifiers
    Class Represents the configuration and status information for a collector connected to a Historian server.
    Class Represents a collector query.
    Class Represents the set of statistics maintained for collectors in a Historian server.
    Class Represents an individual comment record stored in a Historian server.
    ClassEncapsulates properties for a single Historian server connection.

    A client and target Historian server must share compatible connection property values. For exmample, a server will reject messages bigger than it's own MaxReceivedMessageSize. In order to configure server parameters create an app.config file matching the server EXE name.

    For a 64-bit Historian DataArchiver, create a file named "ihDataArchiver_x64.exe.config" in the same location as the EXE. A server restart is required to apply app.config settings.

    To configure MaxReceivedMessageSize=1MB, MaxItemsInObjectGraph=100K and OpenTimeout=5 minutes, add the following contents to "ihDataArchiver_x64.exe.config":

    <configuration> <appSettings> <add key="MaxReceivedMessageSize" value="10485760"/> <add key="MaxItemsInObjectGraph" value="100000"/> <add key="OpenTimeout" value="0:5"/> </appSettings> </configuration>

    Similarily, other connection properties can be configured via a server's app.config.

    Class Represents details of the most recent data value recorded for a tag in a Historian server.
    Class Represents a current value data query.
    Class Represents a set of criteria for data queries issued to a Historian server.
    Class Represents the actual data quality recorded with data samples in a Historian server. A data quality value includes an indication of overall data "goodness" along with substatus information, internal storage flags and optional custom user status bits (aka OPC quality).
    Class Represents a generic data query.
    Class Represents a typed collection of data samples for exchange with a Historian server. Depending on the selected data fields, these may include one or more of: values, times, qualities and comment records.
    Class Supports simple iteration over a DataSamples collection.
    Class Represents a set of data samples corresponding to one or more Historian tags. Data samples in the set are keyed by tag name. Tags in a data set may only have one set of data samples of uniform data type.
    Class Represents details of a DataStore.
    Class Represents data subscription configuration details.
    Class Represents a single, typed, tag value.
    Class This class is the individual value contained in the FieldValue.Value
    Class This class represents the individual element in ArrayValue.Values list.
    Class Represents details of an Enumerated Set.
    Class Represents details of an Enumerated Set State.
    Class Represents details of an Enumerated Set State Name.
    Class This represents the individual field within the MultiField class.
    Class This class represents FieldValue which is used in MultiFieldValue in the Values property. MultiField.Values of a list of FieldValue.
    Class Represents the current configuration and status of a Historian server.
    Class Represents a
    Class Represents an interpolated data query.
    Class Represents a collection of individual tag status errors resulting from a data add, delete or query of a Historian server. Errors are keyed by tag name or optionally by tag name and data sample index for data add.
    Class Represents an audit message recorded in a Historian server.
    Class Represents a set of criteria for message queries issued to a Historian server.
    Class Represents a message query.
    Class This is the definition of the object contained in the UserDefinedType class.
    Class This is the structure of the data written to a tag of type MultiField
    Class Abstract base class for queries capable of returning large result sets over several smaller responses.
    Class Represents details of a single supported query modifier.
    Class Represents a raw-by-number data query.
    Class Represents a raw-by-time data query.
    Class Encapsulates a client connection to a Historian server. Provides methods for interacting with a server for query, creation, configuration and maintenance of: data, tags, messages, collectors and archive files.
    Class Represents the configuration for a tag represented in a Historian server.
    Class Repesents information about previous names of a Historian tag.
    Class Represents a set of criteria for tag queries issued to a Historian server.
    Class Represents a tag query.
    Class Encapsulates the built-in System.Diagnostic.Trace class with functionality for logging individual trace messages to log file or console. Detail level may be configured as Error, Warning, Info, Verbose or Off.
    Class Class definition for the User Defined type
    Interface Defines methods for interacting with archives managed by a Historian server.
    Interface Defines methods for interacting with collectors managed by a Historian server.
    Interface Defines methods for interacting with data stored in a Historian server.
    Interface Defines methods for manipulating Historian data qualities.
    Interface Defines methods for interacting with a collection of data samples irrespective of data type.
    Interface Defines methods for interacting with Data Stores managed by a Historian server.
    Interface Defines methods for interacting with EnumeratedSets managed by a Historian server.
    Interface Defines methods for interacting with messages stored in a Historian server.
    Interface Defines methods for interacting with Historian collector's publishing interface.
    Interface Defines methods for interacting with QueryModifiers managed by a Historian server.
    Interface Defines methods for interacting with the global configuration of a Historian server.
    Interface Defines methods for interacting with tags defined in a Historian server.
    Interface Defines methods for interacting with the User Defined Types managed by a Historian server.
    Delegate A delegate invoked for Alarm/Events Backup Response.
    Delegate A delegate invoked for Alarm/Events Query Response.
    Delegate A delegate invoked for archive subscriptions.
    Delegate A delegate invoked for collector tag browse responses.
    Delegate A delegate invoked for collector subscriptions.
    Delegate A delegate invoked for collector control responses.
    Delegate A delegate invoked for current collector tag value responses.
    Delegate A delegate invoked for collector hierarchical tag browse responses.
    Delegate A delegate invoked for custom data type subscriptions.
    Delegate A delegate invoked for data subscriptions.
    Delegate A delegate invoked for enumerated set subscriptions.
    Delegate A delegate invoked for message subscriptions.
    Delegate A delegate invoked for responses to adding tags for publishing.
    Delegate A delegate invoked for responses to retrieving the destination server name for publishing.
    Delegate A delegate invoked for responses to retrieving a list of published tags.
    Delegate A delegate invoked for responses to removing tags from publishing.
    Delegate A delegate invoked for responses to configuring a destination server name for publishing.
    Delegate A delegate invoked for responses to configuring a published tag.
    Delegate A delegate invoked for tag subscriptions.
    Enumeration Represents details of the Alarm Types supported.
    Enumeration Represents all possible archive data storage duration types.
    Enumeration Represents all possible Historian archive statuses.
    Enumeration The possible ways of validating a server certificate.
    Enumeration Represents the possible types of changes communicated via subscriptions.
    Enumeration Represents available categories for selecting a set of collector properties to retrieve from a Historian server.
    Enumeration Uniquely identifies Historian collector properties.
    Enumeration Represents the defined collector statuses.
    Enumeration Represents the defined collector types.
    Enumeration Represents the supported calculation modes.
    Enumeration Represents the supported filter comparison modes.
    Enumeration Represents the supported filter modes.
    Enumeration Represents the supported data sampling modes.
    Enumeration Represents all available Historian data fields.
    Enumeration Represents the high level quality status: good, bad or uncertain.
    EnumerationRepresents additional sub-status information for DataQuality.StatusType.Bad quality.
    Enumeration Represents all possible Historian data storage types.
    Enumeration Represents all possible states of a data store.
    Enumeration Represents all possible Historian Product Types.
    Enumeration Explicitly licensed server features.
    Enumeration Represents membership in pre-defined Historian security groups. User access rights are dependent on group membership.
    Enumeration Represents all supported Historian server options.
    Enumeration Represents all available Historian message topics.
    Enumeration Represents the list of optionally selectable message properties.
    Enumeration Represents details of the QualityStatus supported.
    Enumeration Historian error status codes.
    Enumeration Represents available categories for selecting a set of tag properties to retrieve from a Historian server.
    Enumeration Represents all supported comparison operators for evaluating condition-based collection.
    Enumeration Represents all supported data collection modes.
    Enumeration Native Historian tag data types. These are a subset of .NET built-in types.
    Enumeration Uniquely identifies Historian tag properties.
    Enumeration This is the enumerated list of calctype that we currently support. AnalyticTag is for CSense Analytic tag. all other tags are RawTag.
    Enumeration Represents available timestamp resolutions for tag values recorded in a Historian server.
    Enumeration Represents how times are obtained for tag values.
    Enumeration Uniquely identifies Historian tag criteria.
    See Also