'Declaration Public Enum HistorianOption Inherits System.Enum
'Usage Dim instance As HistorianOption
public enum HistorianOption : System.Enum
public enum class HistorianOption : public System.Enum
'Declaration Public Enum HistorianOption Inherits System.Enum
'Usage Dim instance As HistorianOption
public enum HistorianOption : System.Enum
public enum class HistorianOption : public System.Enum
Member | Description |
ArchiveActiveHours | The maximum age of data samples (in hours) that can be accepted by the server. |
ArchiveAutomaticFreeSpaceHardLimit | This is hardlimit for the ihArchiveAutomaticFreeSpace option. Once this is set we wait till this hardlimit is reached instead of ihArchiveAutomaticFreeSpace |
ArchiveBackupNumArchivesToBackup | The default number of archives backed up by stand-alone ihArchiveBackup tool. |
ArchiveDataBucketSize | The size of individual archive file segments used to store data expressed in bytes. Valid values: 400 - 1400. |
ArchiveDefaultPath | The default location of archive files. |
ArchiveDefaultSize | The default size of newly created archives, expressed in MB. |
ArchiveDuration | Number of Units of time an archive can hold. Defined by ArchiveDurationType |
ArchiveDurationType | The type of archive duration. It is the integer value of ArchiveDurationType |
ArchiveIndexCountSize | The number of child index nodes to use within archive files. Valid values: 2 - 5. |
ArchiverAllowFutureDataWrites | |
ArchiverAutoDeleteArchives | if 0 don't let the data archiver delete archives in low disk space |
ArchiverBackupType | |
ArchiverMaxConfigAgeToAvoidWaitingForConfig | |
ArchiverMaxDelayWaitingForConfig | |
ArchiverMultiADSISyncInterval | |
ArchiverObsolete2 | Obsolete if 4.7. Never released to customers. Safe to reuse this in 4.7. |
ArchiverRepeatingValueStorageOptimization | When on, multi-field tags will reduce storage space by not store repeated field values, instead they only indicate that the value is the same as the previous field value. |
ArchiverReserved | |
ArchiverTcpPort | Obsolete. Now done in the registry. |
ArchiverUseStaleTagsIndex | |
ArchiveSizeIncrement | Deprecated. |
ArchiveStalePeriod | Designates the end of defined options. |
ArchiveStalePeriodCheck | |
ArchiveTotalDuration | Number of Hours that the archives for a DataStore can span (Only meaningful for scada buffer DataStores) |
ArchiveUseCaching | Whether to use caching for a specific data store - applies only to Historical Data Store |
AutoCreateArchives | Whether the server automatically creates new archives when existing archives become full. Valid values: 0 (false) or 1 (true). |
ClientStatFeature | |
CollectorIdleTime | Collector Idle time - This is the grace period in seconds . when the present time minus the maximum collector data time is greater than this grace period we add a Bad DQ . This option will only be considered for the query modifiers onlyifconnected and onlyifuptodate. |
CollectorStatusOutputs | |
ConfigurationSystemName | This is a global option which returns the system name of the CFM for use by the webservice |
DefaultArchiveBackupPath | The default location for archive file backups. |
DefaultBaseArchiveFilename | The default file name prefix of newly created archives. |
DefaultBaseArchiveName | The default name prefix of newly created archives. |
FreeSpaceRequiredForAutoArchives | The amount of free disk space required to allow automatic creation of new archives, expressed in MB. |
ihArchiverFlushInterval | if 0 do not execute flush else pick value between 10 - (60 * 60 * 24) seconds |
ihArchiverFlushType | normal or incremental |
ihArchiverHeartBeatInterval | This is the time interval that is used for the HB's |
ihArchiveUsePreparedArchive | |
ihCompressTransferChunk | whether the chunk data tranferred is compressed for GetNextChunk message. |
ihZipArchiveToTransfer | whether replicate/resync job will backup archive file as a zip file for transferring ( 0 : No, Non-Zero: Yes, Default is non-zero value ) |
Max | |
MessageOnDataUpdate | Whether to generate audit messages whenever previously recorded data is updated. Valid values: 0 (false) or 1 (true). |
OverwriteOldArchives | Whether to re-use and overwrite the oldest archive when all archives becomes full. Valid values: 0 (false) or 1 (true). |
SecurityAllowAnonymousClients | Whether to permit anonymous client connections to the server. Valid values: 0 (false) or 1 (true). |
SecurityAnonymousUsername | A name of a local user on the server that anonymous clients get mapped to for purposes of authorization. |
SecurityDomain | Internal. |
SecurityGroupsNodeName | Internal. |
SecurityStrictClientAuthentication | Whether to enforce strict client authentication - setting to 1 (true) will disallow connections from clients older than version 4.7. |
SecurityStrictCollectorAuthentication | Whether to enforce strict collector authentication - setting to 1 (true) will disallow connections from collectors older than version 4.7. |
SecurityUseClientLoginUser | Deprecated, user credentials are always validated server side. Whether to accept client validation of user credentials. Set to 0 (false) to validate user credentials on the server. Valid values: 0 (false) or 1 (true). |
SecurityUseLocalGroups | Whether to use local security groups, 1 (true), or domain security groups, 0 (false), for user authorization. Valid values: 0 (false) or 1 (true). |
ServerAllowConcurrentClientWork | Whether messages from a client can be processed concurrently, potentially out of received order. |
ServerAllowDataOverwrites | Whether the server permits replacing the value of previously recorded data samples. Valid values: 0 (false) or 1 (true). |
ServerAllowMessageThrottling | Whether to throttle incoming messages from clients to prevent disk buffering. |
ServerAuditMessage | The audit message used for electronic signatures. An empty string will use the system default message. |
ServerAuditStatus | Whether point verification is enabled. This requires the ElectronicSignatures licensed feature. Valid values: 0 (false) or 1 (true). |
ServerCacheSize | The upper memory usage target for the server, expressed in MB. |
ServerCreateOfflineArchives | Whether the server automatically creates archives for non-current data (older than the oldest archive). Valid values: 0 (false) or 1 (true). |
ServerDemoMode | Indicates whether the server is running without a license key in demo mode (read-only). Valid values: 0 (false) or 1 (true). |
ServerEquipmentDelimiter | A single character delimiting an optional equipment identifier at the beginning of tag names. |
ServerMaintainAutoRecoveryFiles | Whether to perform hourly, automated backups of the current archive and configuration. Valid values: 0 (false) or 1 (true). |
ServerMaximumMemoryBufferSize | The amount of memory the server allocates for incoming message queues, expressed in MB. |
ServerMaxIntervalRetrievalCount | The maximum number of results the server will return for any single query. Queries with more results return an error. |
ServerMaxQueryTimeSeconds | The maximum number of seconds the server will expend on any single query. Queries that take longer are terminated and return an error. |
ServerMemoryLoad | The percent of available memory currently consumed by the server (read-only). |
ServerMinimumDiskFreeBufferSize | The amount of free disk space to retain when the server expands queue files, expressed in MB. |
ServerNumCollectorWriteThreads | Deprecated, see ServerNumWriteThreads. The number of server worker threads servicing collector data write requests. Requires server restart to update. |
ServerNumDataWriteThreads | Deprecated, see ServerNumWriteThreads. The number of server worker threads servicing data write requests. Requires server restart to update. |
ServerNumFastReadThreads | Deprecated, see ServerNumReadThreads. The number of server worker threads servicing fast read requests (default: 4). Requires server restart to update. |
ServerNumGenericWriteThreads | Deprecated, see ServerNumWriteThreads. The number of server worker threads servicing generic write requests. Requires server restart to update. |
ServerNumReadThreads | The number of server worker threads servicing read requests. Requires server restart to update. |
ServerNumWriteThreads | The number of server worker threads servicing write requests (default: 1). Requires server restart to update. |
ServerOptimizeForRemoteCollectors | Deprecated. |
ServerRunningInCluster | Indicates whether the server is running managed by Microsoft Failover Clustering (read-only). Valid values: 0 (false) or 1 (true). |
ServerStoreUserQualityStatus | Whether to record custom, user-defined quality status information with data samples. Valid values: 0 (false) or 1 (true). |
ServerTargetPrivateBytes | The nominal memory usage target for the server, expressed in MB. |
ServerWorkerThreadsEnabled | Deprecated - always 1 (true). |
TagBrowseStructElements | You can set this option to just browse all the tags or browse the fields as tags for for custom data types. |
Undefined | Undefined option. |
Target Platforms: Windows 7, Windows Vista SP1 or later, Windows XP SP3, Windows Server 2008 (Server Core not supported), Windows Server 2008 R2 (Server Core supported with SP1 or later), Windows Server 2003 SP2