Duplicate an equipment instance
You can duplicate any equipment resource.
About this task
When you duplicate an equipment instance, by default, its parent is the same as the original, except for an enterprise instance, which is at the top of the hierarchy and has no parent. You cannot change the parent of an enterprise instance. All the child instances of the original instance are also duplicated.
- In the navigator, click .
- Select the equipment instance that you want to duplicate, and then click Duplicate.
- Enter a name and description for the new instance.
- Optional: If required, specify a prefix to be applied to the names of all of the instance's duplicated child equipment to ensure unique names in the model.
- Optional: To move the duplicated instance to a different parent, click Change, and then from the Universal Browser, select a new parent.Note: A parent can be any instance type that the duplicate can be a child of. For example, if you duplicate a production line, the new parent can be an area or another production line.
- Click OK, and then click Save.