Production Units

A production unit represents a group of physical equipment items applied to a continuous manufacturing process.

Production units are self-sufficient and are not dependent on external equipment items or processes to carry out the portion of a continuous production process they are defined for. It is a resource that can be the last resource in a hierarchy; that is, a terminating resource. Although a production unit can encompass multiple physical equipment items, those items (for example, equipment that converts, separates, or reacts) are not represented in the equipment model.

The following information describes the hierarchy of this resource:

Required:no; optional
Contained by:Production unit; Area
Can Contain:one or more Production Units; Units

Details Tab

You can change the name and description of this resource.
NameRequired; user-defined up to 50 charactersSpecifies a display name for a resource.
DescriptionUser-defined up to 255 charactersProvides more information about a resource that a user may find helpful.

Properties Tab

For more information see Equipment Properties.

Classes Tab

For more information, see Equipment Classes.