Spares Analysis: General

About Spares Analysis Plots

On the Spares Analyses page, you can access any of the following graphs from the Analysis Summary workspace:

  • Spare Level Plot
  • Downtime Plot
  • Spare Usage Plot
  • Sensitivity Plot
  • Optimal Holding Plot

When you run the Monte Carlo simulation for a Spares Analysis, each of the graphs will be generated for each Spare in the analysis. If more than one Spare exists in the Spares Analysis, multiple spares level graphs will be generated, according to the number of Spares in the analysis.

You can customize the appearance of the graph by using standard graph features.

Spare Level Plot

The Spare Level Plot is a bar graph that displays the cost associated with each possible spare level included in the range between the Min Inventory Level and Max Inventory Level values, which were specified in the Spare record.

Note: Interaction with graphs is not available on touch-screen devices.

By default, each bar in the Spares Level Plot is divided into the following cost categories, which are shaded with different colors that are represented in the legend to the right of the graph:

  • Warehousing Cost: The cost of storing the spare parts between failures.
  • Labor Cost: The total cost of labor associated with every spare level.
  • Lost Production Cost (Stock-Out): The total lost production cost accrued as a result of waiting for the spare to arrive when one must be ordered.
  • Lost Production Cost (Corrective): The total lost production cost accrued as a result of the downtime due to preparation and repair after a failure.
  • Lost Production Cost (PM): The total cost of lost production cost accrued as a result of the preventive maintenance activities. If the Enable Preventive Maintenance check box is selected in the Preventive Maintenance section, values from the Preventive Maintenance section will be included in this cost category.
  • Normal Order Cost: The total cost of all normal orders placed for the spare parts.
  • Expedited Order Cost: The total cost of all rushed orders placed for the spare parts.

The Warehousing Cost, Labor Cost, Lost Production Cost (Stock-Out), Lost Production Cost (Corrective), Lost Production Cost (PM), Normal Order Cost, and Expedited Order Cost values are displayed when you pause over the corresponding bar on the graph.

Tip: If you select the Show Total Only check box in the upper-right corner of the graph, then you can view the total costs associated with each spare level.

In addition to providing a Spare Level Plot graph for each Spare record in the analysis, GE Digital APM also provides the Spare Level Plot for all the Spares within the selected Spares, which compares all Spare records according to the cost associated with each possible spare level. This graph enables you to estimate how much money your company might lose by not storing the optimal level of spare parts. The following image displays an example of the Spare Level Plot for all the Spares.

Downtime Plot

The Downtime Plot is a bar graph that displays the calculated downtime period during which the piece of equipment is expected not to be operating throughout the analysis period. The Downtime Plot displays the specific downtime associated with each spare level in the range indicated in the Spares section of the appropriate Spare record.

Note: Interaction with graphs is not available on touch-screen devices.

By default, each bar in the Downtime Plot is divided into the following downtime categories, which are shaded with different colors that are represented in the legend to the right of the graph:

  • PM Downtime: The downtime that results from performing preventive maintenance. PM Downtime is calculated only if the Enable Preventive Maintenance check box is selected in the Preventive Maintenance section. If the Enable Preventive Maintenance check box is not selected, PM Downtime will always be zero.
  • Corrective Downtime: The sum of the time spent preparing for the repair of the piece of equipment and actually repairing the piece of equipment (specified in the Preparation Time, Repair Time, and Total Correction Time fields in the Failure Consequence section).
  • Stock-Out Downtime: The time period during which there was no spare part available for the necessary repair. For example, if you do not have any spare parts stored when a piece of equipment fails, you will need to order a spare part. If the sum of the values in Normal Order Time and On-site Delivery Time fields (both specified in the Spare section) takes longer than the value specified in the Preparation Time field (specified in the Failure Consequence section), then there will be a period of stock-out downtime while you wait for the spare part(s) to arrive at the repair site.

The PM Downtime, Corrective Downtime, and Stock-Out Downtime values are displayed when you pause over the corresponding bar on the graph.

Tip: If you select the Show Total Only check box in the upper-right corner of the plot, you can view the total downtime associated with each spare level.

In addition to providing a Downtime Plot graph for each Spare record in the analysis, GE Digital APM also provides the Downtime plot for all the Spares within the selected Spares, which compares all Spare records according to the amount of downtime associated with each possible spare level. This graph enables you to estimate how many days of downtime that you might have per possible spare level for each piece of equipment. The following image displays an example of the Downtime Plot for All Spares.

Spare Usage Plot

The Spare Usage Plot is a bar graph that displays the calculated spare usage for each year in the analysis period. The spares usage is based on failure rates that the user entered for a given population, and the quantity and ages of the population.

Note: Interaction with graphs is not available on touch-screen devices.

In this image, the Simulation Start Date is 1/1/2015, and the Simulation End Date is 1/1/2025. The x-axis displays the years for the analysis period, and the y-axis displays the number of spares that are calculated to be used in that year.

By default, each bar in the Spare Usage Plot is divided into the following spare usage categories, which are shaded with different colors that are represented in the legend to the right of the graph:

  • PM Usage: The total number of spare parts used for Preventive Maintenance (specified in the # of Required Spares field in the Failure Consequence section). If the Enabled Preventive Maintenance check box in the Preventive Maintenance section is not selected, PM Usage will not be included in this graph.
  • Corrective Usage: The total number of spare parts used for repairing equipment failures (specified in the Failure Consequence section).

The PM Usage and the Corrective Usage values are displayed when you pause over the corresponding bar on the graph.

Tip: If you select the Show Total Only check box in the upper-right corner of the graph, you can view the total usage associated with each year in the analysis period.

In addition to providing a Spare Usage Plot for each Spare record in the Analysis, GE Digital APM provides the Spare Usage Plot for all the Spares within the selected Spares, which compares all Spare records within a given analysis. The comparison is based on the spare usage for each year. This graph enables you to estimate how many of each spare part you might need each year.

Sensitivity Plot

The Sensitivity Plot is a line graph that displays for each year in the analysis period:

  • The cost associated with holding the optimal number of spare parts.
  • The cost of holding one less spare part than the optimal number.
  • The cost of holding one more spare part than the optimal number.

For example, if the optimal level determined by the Monte Carlo simulation is three, then the Sensitivity Plot will display the cost associated with holding three spare parts, two spare parts, and four spare parts.

Note: Interaction with graphs is not available on touch-screen devices.

In this image, the x-axis displays the years for the analysis period, and the y-axis displays the costs that you can expect to incur in each year.

By default, each line in the Sensitivity Plot is divided into the following cost categories, which are shaded with different colors that are represented in the legend to the right of the graph:

  • Total Cost (+): The total cost when storing one spare part more than the recommended number of spare parts.
  • Total Cost (Optimal): The total cost when storing the recommended number of spare parts. The Optimal Spare Level, or recommended number of spare parts, is located at the top of the Spare Level Plot.
  • Total Cost (-): The total cost when storing one spare part less than the recommended number of spare parts.

The Total Cost (+), Total Cost (Optimal), and Total Cost (-) values are displayed when you pause over the corresponding bar on the graph.

Note: If the Min Inventory Level is 0 (zero), the Max Inventory Level is 1, and the Optimal Spare Level is 1, then the Total Cost (+) line will not appear on the Sensitivity Plot. With this inventory range specified on the Spare record, the Total Cost (+) line would represent the holding level of two spare parts, and that value is not within the inventory range.

In addition to providing a Sensitivity Plot for each Spare record in the analysis, GE Digital APM provides the Sensitivity Plot for all the Spares within the selected Spares, which compares all Spare records within a given analysis. The comparison is based on the cost of storing the optimal amount of the spare part, one spare part more than the optimal amount, and one spare part less than the optimal amount. This graph enables you to estimate the cost of storing the optimal amount, one more than the optimal amount, and one less than the optimal amount of each spare part during analysis period. The following image shows an example of the Sensitivity Plot for All Spares.

Optimal Holding Plot

The optimal spare level is determined as the most conservative value over the entire analysis period. Because failure data might change each year, the optimal inventory level might change for each year within the analysis period. The Optimal Holding Plot displays the optimal spare level for the whole period and for each individual year of the analysis period.

Note: Interaction with graphs is not available on touch-screen devices.

Consider the following Optimal Holding Plot from the data used in the Spares Analysis example.

In this image, the Simulation Start Date is set to 6/1/2009, and the Simulation End Date is set to 6/1/2019 in the Spares Analysis record. The x-axis displays the years included in the analysis period, and the y-axis displays the inventory level associated with the lowest cost of spares levels for each year.

By default, each bar in the Optimal Holding Plot is divided into the following cost categories, which are shaded with different colors that are represented in the legend to the right of the graph:

  • Optimal Spare Level (Yearly): The lowest cost of spare levels associated with each year included in the analysis period.
  • Optimal Spare Level (Whole Period): The recommended number of spare parts associated with the entire analysis period.

The Optimal Spare Level (Yearly) and the Optimal Spare Level (Whole Period) values are displayed when you pause over the corresponding bar on the graph.

In addition to providing an Optimal Holding Plot for each Spare record in the analysis, GE Digital APM provides the Optimal Holding Plot for all the Spares within the selected Spares, which compares all Spare records within a given analysis. The comparison is based on the optimal holding level for the whole period and for each individual year during the analysis period. The following image displays an example of the Optimal Holding Plot for All Spares, which you can use to compare the optimal holding levels for each piece of equipment.

System Code Tables Used by Reliability Analytics

The following table lists the System Code Tables that are used by Reliability Analytics.

Table ID

Table Description


MI_ACTION_TYPEAction TypePopulates a list of options for the Action Type field in System Reliability records.
MI_CONDITION_MONITORING_TYPECondition Monitoring Type Populates a list of options for the Condition Monitoring Type field in System Reliability records.
MI_RATE_UNITSRate UnitsPopulates a list of Rate Unit options for multiple System Reliability records.
MI_TIMEANAL_TYPETime Analysis TypePopulates a list of options for the Time Analysis Type field in System Reliability Analysis Definition records.
MI_TIME_UNITSTime UnitsPopulates a list of Time Unit options for multiple System Reliability records.

Reliability Analytics URLs

There is one URL route associated with Reliability Analytics: reliability. The following table describes the various paths that build on the route, and the elements that you can specify for each.

Tip: For more information, refer to the URLs section of the documentation.
ElementDescriptionAccepted Value(s)Notes

reliability/dashboard/<EntityKey>: Displays the Reliability Analytics overview page.

<EntityKey>Specifies Asset context for the RA Overview page.

Any numeric Entity Key that corresponds to an existing Asset.

Entering 0 for an Entity Key displays a generic RA overview.
reliability/automation/<EntityKey>/summary: Displays Automation rules.
<EntityKey>Specifies which Reliability Automation Rules you want to view.The Entity Key of the desired automation rule.This parameter is required and it refers to the analysis. Without the Entity Key, then the URL will not be supported.
reliability/probability/<EntityKey>/<WorkspaceName>: Displays Probability Distribution Analyses.
<EntityKey>Specifies which Probability Distribution you want to view.The Entity Key of the desired analysis.This parameter is required and it refers to the analysis. Without the Entity Key, then the URL will not be supported.
<WorkspaceName>Specifies the type of Probability Distribution Analysis information you want to view.cdfplotDisplays the CDF Plot workspace.
pdfplotDisplays the PDF Plot workspace.
probabilityplotDisplays the Probability Plot workspace.
summaryDisplays the Analysis Summary workspace.
reliability/production/<EntityKey>/<WorkspaceName>: Displays Production Analyses.
<EntityKey>Specifies which Production Analysis you want to view.The Entity Key of the desired analysis.This parameter is required and it refers to the analysis. Without the Entity Key, then the URL will not be supported.
<WorkspaceName>Specifies the type of Production Analysis information you want to view.overviewDisplays the Analysis Summary workspace.
production-plotDisplays the Production Data workspace.
reliability/distribution/<EntityKey>/<WorkspaceName>: Displays Reliability Distribution Analyses.
<EntityKey>Specifies which Reliability Distribution Analysis you want to view.The Entity Key of the desired analysis.This parameter is required and it refers to the analysis. Without the Entity Key, then the URL will not be supported.
<WorkspaceName>Specifies the type of Reliability Distribution Analysis information that you want to view.cdfplotDisplays the CDF Plot workspace.
failureprobabilityDisplays the Failure Probability workspace.
failurerateplotDisplays the Failure Rate Plot workspace.
pdfplotDisplays the PDF Plot workspace.
pmoptimizationDisplays the PM Optimization workspace.
probabilityplotDisplays the Probability Plot workspace.
summaryDisplays the Analysis Summary workspace.
reliability/growth/<EntityKey>/<WorkspaceName>: Displays Reliability Growth Analyses.
<EntityKey>Specifies which Reliability Growth Analysis you want to view.The Entity Key of the desired analysis.This parameter is required and refers to the analysis. Without the Entity Key, the URL will not be supported.
<WorkspaceName>Specifies the type of Reliability Growth Analysis information that you want to view.failurerateplotDisplays the Failure Rate Plot workspace.
failuresplotDisplays the Cumulative Failures Plot workspace.
mtbfplotDisplays the MTBF Plot workspace.
summaryDisplays the Analysis Summary workspace.

reliability/spares/<EntityKey>/<WorkspaceName>: Displays Spares Analyses.

reliability/spares/<EntityKey>/spareoverview/<SpareEntityKey>: Displays a Spare.

reliability/spares/<EntityKey>/spareapploverview/<SpareEntityKey>/<SpareApplicationEntityKey>: Displays Spare Application.

<EntityKey>Specifies which Spares Analysis you want to view.The Entity Key of the desired analysis.This parameter is required and refers to the analysis. Without the Entity Key, the URL will not be supported.
<WorkspaceName>Specifies the type of Spares Analysis information you want to view.overviewDisplays the Analysis Summary workspace.
<SpareEntityKey>Specifies which Spare you want to view.The Entity Key of the desired Spare.

This parameter is required and refers to the Spare. Without the Spare Entity Key, the URL will not be supported.

Displays the Spare workspace.

<SpareApplicationEntityKey>Specifies which Spare Application you want to view.The Entity Key of the desired Spare Application.

This parameter is required and refers to the Spare Application. Without the Spare Application Entity Key, the URL will not be supported.

Displays the Applications section.

reliability/system/<EntityKey>/<WorkspaceName>: Displays System Reliability Analyses.

reliability/system/<EntityKey>/scenario/<ScenarioEntityKey>: Displays System Reliability Scenarios.

<EntityKey>Specifies which System Reliability Analysis you want to view.The Entity Key of the desired analysis.This parameter is required and refers to the analysis. Without the Entity Key, the URL will not be supported.
  simulationDisplays the Simulation Results workspace.
  summaryDisplays the Analysis Summary workspace.
<ScenarioEntityKey>Specifies which System Reliability Scenario you want to view.The Entity Key of the desired Scenario.Displays the Scenario workspace.
Table 1. Example URLs
Example URLDestination


Reliability Analytics Overview page.
reliability/automation/3228505/summary Automation page with the Entity Key 3228505.
reliability/probability/3228505/summary Probability Distribution page, displaying the Analysis Summary workspace with the Entity Key 3228505.
reliability/production/4924257/overview Production Analysis page, displaying the Analysis Summary workspace with the Entity Key 4924257.
reliability/distribution/2842417/summary Reliability Distribution page, displaying the Analysis Summary workspace with the Entity Key 2842417.
reliability/growth/2842411/summary Reliability Growth page, displaying the Analysis Summaryworkspace with the Entity Key 2842411.
reliability/spares/2841956/overview Spares Analysis page, displaying the Summary workspace with the Entity Key 2841956.
reliability/spares/2841956/spareoverview/2841957 Spare Analysis Summary workspace with the Entity Key 2841956 and the Spare Entity Key 2841957.


Spare Critical Applications workspace with the Entity Key 2841956, the Spare Entity Key 2841957 and the Spare Application Key 2841959.


System Reliability page, displaying the Summary workspace with the Entity Key 3352307.


System Reliability Analysis page, displaying the Diagram workspace with the Entity Key 3352307 and the Scenario Entity Key 3352304.

Spares Analysis Data Model

The following diagram shows how the families used inSpares Analysisare related to one another.

Note: In the diagram, boxes represent entity families and arrows represent relationship families that are configured in the baseline database. You can determine the direction of the each relationship definition from the direction of the arrow head: the box from which the arrow originates is the predecessor, and the box to which the arrow head points is the successor.

As you develop a Spares Analysis, you will create records in these families and link them together, either manually or automatically via the options in the GE Digital APM system. Throughout this documentation, we use the term Spares Analysisto mean the combination of theSpares Analysisrecord and all the records that are linked to it.

About Site Filtering in Spares Analysis

In Spares Analysis, the site is assigned based on the user's selection in the Site control, and all of the imports and recommendations of a Spare Analysis must match the analysis's site assignment.

Tip: For more information, refer to the Site Filtering section of the documentation.

Consider an organization that has three sites, Site X, Site Y, and Site Z. The following Spares Analysis records exist:

  • Spares Analysis A: Assigned to Site X
  • Spares Analysis B: Assigned to Site Y
  • Spares Analysis C: Assigned to Site Z
  • Spares Analysis D: No site assigned (global record)

Scenario 1: User assigned to only Site X

This user will see Spares Analyses A and D.

Scenario 2: User assigned to both Site X and Site Y

This user will see Spares Analyses A, B, and D.

Scenario 3: Super User

This user will see Spares Analyses A, B, C, and D.

Important: If a multi-site user, or a Super User, links child records from multiple sites to a parent record designated as Global, another user who does not have access to all sites may only see a portion of the data associated with that record.

Reliability Recommendation Records

Recommendation records in Reliability Analytics store details of a recommendation and the progress associated with getting the recommendation approved and implemented. The following table provides an alphabetical list and description of the fields that exist for the Reliability Recommendation family. The information in the table reflects the baseline state and behavior of these fields. This list is not comprehensive.

This family is enabled for site filtering, which means that records in this family can be assigned to a specific site, and will then only be accessible to users who are assigned to the same site and have the appropriate license and family privileges. For more information, refer to the Site Filtering section of the documentation.

FieldData TypeDescriptionBehavior and Usage
Alert Assignee When Due?


An option that lets you send an alert to the person responsible for implementing the recommendation.

If this field is selected, the GE Digital APM system will send an alert to the person in the Assigned to Name field on the date defined in the Target Completion Date field.

This field is labeled Alert Responsible Party When Due? and is available on the Alert tab on the datasheet.

Analysis ID


The ID of the analysis associated with the recommendation.

This field is populated automatically with the Record ID of the analysis to which the Reliability Recommendation record will be linked when it is saved.

Asset ID


The ID for the Equipment associated with the recommendation.

You can define this field by selecting <insert ellipsis icon> and searching for the required Equipment. You can then selecting the Equipment, then select OK to link it to the Recommendation.

This field is labeled Equipment ID and is available on the General Information tab on the datasheet.

Assigned to Name


The name of the person responsible for ensuring the recommendation is implemented.

This field contains a list of all Security Users in the database, presented in the following format:

<last name>, <first name>, <user ID>

This field is optional. You can select a user from the list.

This field is available on the General Information tab on the datasheet.

Author Name


The name of the person proposing the recommendation.

You can select a team member from a list of current human resources.

This field is available on the General Information tab on the datasheet.

Business Impact


The impact to the manufacturing process during the recommendation implementation.

You can choose this value from a list of the following options:

  • Safety

  • Environmental

  • Production

  • Economic

This field is available on the General Information tab on the datasheet.



Indicates that the recommendation is complete.

You can set this value to True to indicate that this recommendation is complete.

Completion Comments


Details about the completed recommendation.

This field is required if the value in the Status field is Rejected, Cancelled,or Superseded.

This field is labeled Close-Out Comments and is available on the General Information tab on the datasheet.

Creation Date


The date the recommendation was created.

This field is disabled and populated automatically with the date on which the RA Recommendation was created.

This field is available on the General Information tab on the datasheet.

Date Reviewed


The date the recommendation status was changed to Reviewed.

This field is populated automatically with the current date when the Status field is updated to Reviewed.

Days before Due Date to be Notified


The numbers of days prior to the target date that the email message should be sent.

This field is enabled only when the Alert Responsible Part When Due? field is set to True, in which case this field is required.

This field is labeled Days before Due Date to be Alerted and is available on the Alert tab on the datasheet.

Equipment Technical Number


The technical number of the piece of equipment for which the recommendation is being made.

When you select a value in the Equipment ID field, this field is populated automatically with the value in the Equipment Technical Number field of the associated Equipment.

This field is labeled Technical Number and is available on the General Information tab on the datasheet.

Final Action Taken


The actions taken to implement the recommendation.

You can define this field manually by typing a description of final actions in this field.

Final Approver Name


The name of the person responsible for approving the recommendation and the associated cost.

This field contains a list of all Security Users in the database, presented in the following format:

<last name>, <first name>, <user ID>

You can select a user from the list.

Note: An email alert will be sent only if the user specified in the Final Approver Name field has logged in to GE Digital APM system.

This field is available on the General Information tab on the datasheet.

Frequency of Alert After Due Date


The frequency after the target date that the alert will be resent.

This field is enabled only when the value in the Alert Responsible Part When Due? field is True, in which case this field is required, and you can choose a value from the list of following values:

  • Never

  • Daily

  • Weekly

  • Monthly

  • Yearly

This field is available on the Alert tab on the datasheet.

Functional Location ID


The ID of the Functional Location that is either linked to the Equipment that appears in the Equipment ID field or linked separately to the RA Recommendation.

This value is populated automatically if a Functional Location exists and is linked to the Equipment that appears in the Equipment ID field. You can also select <insert ellipsis icon> to search for the desired Functional Location, select it. When you select OK, the Functional Location is linked to the RA Recommendation.

This field is available on the General Information tab on the datasheet.

Implemented Date


The date the recommendation was implemented.

This field is populated automatically when the RA Recommendation is implemented. When this occurs, the field becomes disabled.

This field is available on the General Information tab on the datasheet.

Implementation Alert Text


Text the user can add that will be sent in the body of the alert to the assignee to remind them the recommendation must be met by the target date.

You can type the text you wish to appear in the Alert email.

This field is available on the Alert tab on the datasheet.

Mandatory Date


The date by which the recommendation must be implemented.

You can select a date using the Calendar tool.

This field is available on the General Information tab on the datasheet.

Recommendation Basis


Background information about why the recommendation is being made.

The reason the recommended action is needed.

You can type any necessary background information in this field.

This field is available on the General Information tab on the datasheet.

Recommendation Closure Date


The date the recommendation status is changed to Implemented, Rejected, or Superseded.

This field is populated automatically with the current date when the value in the status field is changed to Implemented, Rejected, or Superseded.

Recommendation Description


A detailed description of the recommendation. 

You can type a description of the recommendation in this field.

This field is available on the General Information tab on the datasheet.

Recommendation Headline


A brief summary of the recommendation. 

You can type a brief summary of the recommendation in this field.

This field is available on the General Information tab on the datasheet.

Recommendation ID


The ID for the RA Recommendation.

This field is populated automatically with a unique name (e.g., REC_888) when the recommendation is created. You can change this value if desired.

This field is available on the General Information tab on the datasheet.  

Recommendation Priority


A value that represents the priority or criticality level of the recommendation for implementation.

You can chose from a list of the following values:

  • High

  • Medium

  • Low

This field is available on the General Information tab on the datasheet.



Indicates whether team members should evaluate the recommendation again.

If this check box is selected, an alert will be sent to users specified in the Reevaluation Notification List field.

This field is available on the Alert tab on the datasheet.

Reevaluation Alert Body Text


The message text in the body of the reevaluation alert, which will be sent to users in the reevaluation notification list.

This field is enabled only when the Reevaluate? field check box is selected. Then the field is required.

This field is available on the Alert tab on the datasheet.

Reevaluation Notification List


Individuals that will be sent to the reevaluation alert.

This field is enabled only when the Reevaluate? field is set to True. Then the field is required. You can select from a list of names with Human Resources.

This field is labeled Reevaluation Alert List and is available on the Alert tab on the datasheet.

Reevaluation Date


The date on which an alert is sent out to tell the alert recipient to re-evaluate the recommendation.

This field is enabled only when the Reevaluate? field is set to True. Then the field is required. You can select a date using the Calendar tool.

This field is available on the Alert tab on the datasheet.

Required Equipment Status


The operating status the piece of equipment must be under, in order for the recommendation to be implemented.

You can choose from a list of the following values:

  • On-line

  • Off-line

  • Not Applicable

This field is available on the General Information tab on the datasheet.

Reviewer Name


The first and last name of the person who should review the information in the Recommendation before the recommended action is performed.

This field contains a list of all Security Users in the database, presented in the following format:

<last name>, <first name>, <user ID>

You can select a user from a list of security users in the database.

This field is available on the General Information tab on the datasheet.



The status of the recommendation.

You can choose from a list of the following values:

  • Approved

  • Created

  • Pending Review

  • Reviewed

  • Rejected

  • Canceled
  • Superseded

  • In Progress

  • Implemented

When the is created, the field is set to Created, but can be modified if needed. This field is required.

You can send an alert only if the Status field is set to Approved or In Progress value.

This field is available on the General Information tab on the datasheet.

Status Changed By


The ID of the user who last changed value in the Status field.

This field is populated automatically when the Status field is updated.

This value does not appear on the datasheet by Work default.

Status Changed by Name


The name of the person who last changed the Status field.

This field is populated automatically when the Status field is updated.

This value does not appear on the datasheet by default.

Status Date


The date the Status field was most recently changed.

This field is populated automatically with the current date when the Status field is updated.

This value does not appear on the datasheet by default.

Target Completion Date


The date the recommendation is intended to be implemented.

You can select a date using the Calendar tool.  This field is required.

This field is available on the General Information tab on the datasheet.

Work Order Number


The ID of the work order arising from the work request.

This field is populated automatically after a notification has been created in SAP.

This value does not appear on the datasheet by default.

Work Request Equipment


The ID of the Equipment in SAP that is associated with the SAP Notification that was created.

This field is populated automatically after a notification has been created in SAP.

This field is available on the General Information tab on the datasheet.

Work Request Functional Location


The ID of the Functional Location in SAP that is associated with the SAP Notification that was created.  

This field is populated automatically after a notification has been created in SAP.

This field is available on the General Information tab on the datasheet.

Work Request Reference


The ID of the SAP Notification.

This field is populated automatically after a notification has been created in SAP.

This field is available on the General Information tab on the datasheet.

Spares Analysis Records

A Spares Analysis record stores information about an analysis that helps you maintain the optimal number of spare parts. The following table provides an alphabetical list and description of the fields that exist for the Spares Analysis family and appear on the Spares Analysis datasheet by default.

This family is enabled for site filtering, which means that records in this family can be assigned to a specific site, and will then only be accessible to users who are assigned to the same site and have the appropriate license and family privileges. For more information, refer to the Site Filtering section of the documentation.

FieldData TypeDescriptionBehavior and Usage
Analysis Name CharacterThe name of the Spares Analysis. You can modify the default value in this box to change the name of the existing analysis. The name of each Spare Analysis must be unique. This field is required.
Currency Character The currency that will be used as a label throughout the Spares Analysis for all cost boxes and in the plots.

You can enter symbols and text in the Currency box. For example, you can enter the symbol for U.S. currency, $, or you can enter text for U.S. currency, US Dollars. Any data that you enter in the Cost boxes throughout the analysis must be appropriate for the type of currency that you enter in the Currency box.


Description Character

A text field that stores any additional information about the Spares Analysis.

You can enter text manually to define this value.
Enable Random Seed Logical Specifies whether or not you want to run the Monte Carlo simulation for random results.If you select the Enable Random Seed check box, you will generate different results each time you run the Monte Carlo simulation.
Number of Iterations NumberThe number of times the GE Digital APM system will perform calculations on the Spares Analysis data when you run the Monte Carlo simulation.

When you create a new Spares Analysis, the Number of Iterations is set to 1000 by default. You can enter a different number of iterations. If the number of iterations is large, it will take longer for the simulation results to run and will result in more accurate Monte Carlo results.

An Event Log is created for each holding level for every Spare for each iteration in a Spares Analysis. If you enable Event Logs for a Spares Analysis with a large number of iterations, a large number of Event Logs will be created, and the simulation will take longer to complete. When you enable Event Logs, you should change the number of iterations to a small number (i.e., one) so a small number of Event Log files will be created and the simulation will run in the shortest amount of time.

Simulation End Date DateA date that defines the end of the analysis period.When you create a new analysis, the end date of the analysis is set by default to the first day of the year that is 10 years after the current date. For example, if the start date is 1/1/2015 by default, then the end date will be set to 1/1/2025 by default. You can enter or select a different end date. The end date must be after the start date. If the end date is before the specified start date, an error message appears when you attempt to save the analysis.
Simulation Start Date Date A date that defines the beginning of the analysis period. When you create a new analysis, the start date is set by default to the first day of the current year. For example, for the analyses created in the year 2015, the start date will be set to 1/1/2015 by default. You can enter or select a different start date. If the start date is after the specified end date, an error message appears when you attempt to save the analysis.

Spare Application Populations Records

A Spare Application record stores information about age data for the equipment that contains the spare part that you are analyzing. The following table provides an alphabetical list and description of the fields that exist for the Spare Application Population family and appear in the grid by default.

This family is enabled for site filtering, which means that records in this family can be assigned to a specific site, and will then only be accessible to users who are assigned to the same site and have the appropriate license and family privileges. For more information, refer to the Site Filtering section of the documentation.

FieldData TypeDescriptionBehavior and Usage
Age NumberThe operational age of the population of equipment that is associated with the data in the linked Spare Application record and Spare record. Age value is the amount of time that the population has been in use.You can enter a value manually to define this value.
Age Time Unit CharacterThe unit of measure associated with the Age. The Age Time Unit list is set to Years by default.
Name CharacterThe name of the Spare Application record.

This is a required field. The name of each Spare Application must be unique to the root record.

Population Size NumberThe number of pieces of equipment that share the same age.You can enter a value manually to define this value.

Spares Records

A Spares record stores data related to the spare part that you want to analyze. The following table provides an alphabetical list and description of the fields that exist for the Spare family and appear on the Spare datasheet by default.

This family is enabled for site filtering, which means that records in this family can be assigned to a specific site, and will then only be accessible to users who are assigned to the same site and have the appropriate license and family privileges. For more information, refer to the Site Filtering section of the documentation.

FieldData TypeDescriptionBehavior and Usage
Current Holding Level NumberThe actual number of spare parts that you are currently storing. The current holding level must be greater than or equal to the minimum inventory level but less than or equal to the maximum inventory level. If you enter a value in the Current Holding Level box that is less than the value in the Minimum Holding Level box or greater than the value in the Minimum Holding Level box, an error message appears and the value in the Current Holding Level box reverts back to the original value
EAM Stock Number NumberThe unique value associated with a Spare in the Enterprise Asset Management (EAM) system of the user that is used to identify a spare part.A user can query GE Digital APM using an EAM Stock Number to determine the optimum holding value for a given spare part. This information can then be shared with the department of the organization that is responsible for procuring the spare part.
Expedited Cost($) NumberThe cost associated with placing a rush order for the spare part. The expedited cost must be greater than the normal cost. If you enter a value in the Expedited Cost ($) box that is less than the value in the Normal Cost ($) box, an error message will appear, and the value in the Expedited Cost ($) box will revert back to the value that existed before you modified it.
Expedited Order Time NumberThe amount of time it will take to place a rush order for the part and receive it at the location where it is stored on-site (i.e., warehouse). The list to the right of the Expedited Order Time box lets you define the unit of measure for the specified period of time. The expedited order time must be less than the normal order time.
Holding Cost Rate($) NumberThe cost of storing the spare part for the amount of time selected in the Per list. The list to the right of the Holding Cost Rate($) box lets you define the unit of measure that applies to the specified cost for storing a spate part.
Maximum Holding Level NumberThe maximum number of spare parts that you want to analyze using the Spares Analysis. The maximum inventory level must be greater than the minimum inventory level. If you enter a value in the Maximum Holding Level box that is less than the value in the Minimum Holding Level box, an error message will appear, and the value in the Maximum Holding Level box will revert back to the value that existed before you modified it.
Minimum Holding Level NumberThe minimum number of spare parts that you want to analyze using the Spares Analysis.

The minimum holding level must be less than or equal to the maximum holding level. If you enter a value in the Minimum Holding Level box that is greater than the value in the Maximum Holding Level box, the Maximum Holding Level box will be updated automatically with the value in the Minimum Holding Level box.

For example, if the Maximum Holding Level box contains the value 3 and you enter 4 in the Minimum Holding Level box, the value in the Maximum Holding Level box will be set automatically to 4.

Normal Cost ($) NumberThe cost associated with a standard (i.e., not expedited) order for the spare part. The normal cost must be less than or equal to the expedited cost.

If you enter a value in the Normal Cost ($) box that is greater than the value in the Expedited Cost ($) box, the Expedited Cost ($) box will be updated automatically with the value in the Normal Cost ($) box.

For example, if the Expedited Cost ($) box contains the value 1000 and you enter 1500 in the Normal Cost ($) box, the value in the Expedited Cost ($) box will be set automatically to 1500.

Normal Order Time NumberThe amount of time that it takes to order the spare part from the manufacturer and receive it at the location where it is stored on-site (i.e., warehouse).The list to the right of the Normal Order Time box lets you define the unit of measure for the specified period of time.
On-site Delivery Time NumberThe amount of time that it takes to have the spare part transferred from where it is stored on-site (e.g., warehouse) to the repair location. The list to the right of the On-site Delivery Time box lets you define the unit of measure for the specified period of time.
Spare Name CharacterThe name of the Spare record.This is a required field. The name of each Spare must be unique to the root Spares Analysis.

Failure Distributions Records

A Failure Distributions record stores information about the distribution of failures over the life of the spare part that you are analyzing. The following table provides an alphabetical list and description of the fields that exist for the Failure Distributions family and appear on the Failure Distributions tab in the workspace for a Spare by default.

This family is enabled for site filtering, which means that records in this family can be assigned to a specific site, and will then only be accessible to users who are assigned to the same site and have the appropriate license and family privileges. For more information, refer to the Site Filtering section of the documentation.

FieldData TypeDescriptionBehavior and Usage
Distribution Type CharacterThe distribution type of the Failure Distribution.

For Failure Distribution information that you want to define manually, a list appears in which you can select the desired value. The value is set to Exponential by default, but you can select any of the following additional distribution types:

  • Weibull
  • Normal
  • Lognormal

For Failure Distribution information that you have imported, this column displays the read-only distribution type of the analysis from which you have imported failure distribution information.

Name CharacterThe name of the Failure Distribution.

This is a required field. The name of each Failure Distribution must be unique to the root Spare Application record. This field is labeled Distribution Name on the datasheet.

  • For Failure Distribution information that you want to define manually, you can enter a name in the Distribution Name field.
  • For Failure Distribution information that you have imported, the Distribution Name field displays the hyperlinked value that is stored in the Analysis ID field in the Reliability Distribution or Reliability Growth record with which you associated failure distribution information. You can select the hyperlink to open the analysis.
<Parameter 1>NumberThe value of the <Parameter 1>

Displays one of the following parameters, depending on the distribution type:

  • For a Weibull distribution, displays the Beta value.
  • For an Exponential distribution, displays the Mean Time Between Failures value.
  • For a Normal distribution, displays the Mean value.
  • For a Lognormal distribution, displays the Mu value.

By default, values up to four decimal places are displayed in the <Parameter 1> column. If you select a cell in the <Parameter 1> column for a parameter that can be modified, all decimal places for the value will be displayed.

<Parameter 2>NumberThe value of the <Parameter 2>

Displays one of the following parameters, depending on the distribution type:

  • For a Weibull distribution, displays the Eta value.
  • For an Exponential distribution, nothing is displayed. The Mean Time Between Failures value that is displayed in the <Parameter 1> column is the only parameter in an Exponential distribution.
  • For a Normal distribution, displays the Standard Deviation value.
  • For a Lognormal distribution, displays the Sigma value.

By default, values up to four decimal places are displayed in the <Parameter 2> column. If you select a cell in the <Parameter 2> column for a parameter that can be modified, all decimal places for the value will be displayed.

<Parameter 3>NumberThe value of the <Parameter 3>

Displays one of the following parameters, depending on the distribution type:

  • For a Weibull distribution, displays the Gamma value.
  • For an Exponential distribution, nothing is displayed. The Mean Time Between Failures value displayed in the <Parameter 1> column is the only parameter in an Exponential distribution.
  • For a Normal distribution, nothing is displayed. The Mean and Standard Deviation values that are displayed in the <Parameter 1> and <Parameter 2> columns are the only parameters in a Normal distribution.
  • For a Lognormal distribution, displays the Gamma value.

By default, values up to four decimal places are displayed in the <Parameter 3> column. If you select a cell in the <Parameter 3> column for a parameter that can be modified, all decimal places for the value will be displayed.

Time Unit CharacterThe unit of measure that applies to the distribution type that appears in the Distribution Type column.

For Failure Distribution information that you want to define manually, a list appears in which you can select the desired value. The value is set to Days by default, but you can select any of the following additional units of measure:

  • Hours
  • Weeks
  • Months
  • Years

For Failure Distribution information that you have imported, this column displays the read-only unit of measure used in the analysis from which you have imported Failure Distribution information.

Spares Folder

The Catalog folder \\Public\Meridium\Modules\Reliability Manager\Spares contains the following items.

Item Name

Behavior and Usage

Queries Subfolder

Returns the list of Spares Analyses used in the Spares Analyses list on the RA Overview page.

Reports Folder

The Catalog folder \\Public\Meridium\Modules\Reliability Manager\Reports contains the following items.

Item Name

Behavior and Usage


Displays the subreport for Asset Data in the Reliability Distribution Analysis Report.


Displays the subreport for Asset Data in the Reliability Growth Analysis Report.

Distribution Analysis Report

Displays the SSRS Report for Distribution Analysis in the Reliability Distribution Analysis Report.

Exponential Distribution Query

Returns data for Exponential Distributions in the Probability Distribution Report.


Displays the subreport for Failure data in the Reliability Growth Analysis Report.


Displays data in the main and subreports in the Reliability Growth Analysis Report.


Displays the main report of the SSRS Reliability Growth Analysis Report.

Lognormal Distribution Query

Returns data for Lognormal Distributions of failure data in the Probability Distribution Report.

Normal Distribution Query

Returns data for Normal Distributions in the Probability Distribution Report.


Returns data for the Probability Distribution Report.


Displays the SSRS Probability Distribution Report for Probability Distribution Analysis.


This is the main query that returns data for the Production Analysis Report.


Returns the Lines data for the Production Analysis Report.


Returns Regions data for the Production Analysis Report.

Production Analysis Report

Displays the SSRS Production Analysis Report.


Returns data for the Reliability Distribution Report, including TTF data.

ReliabilityDistributionTTRReturns TTR data for the Reliability Distribution Analysis Report.
ReliabilityExponentialTTFReturns TTF data for the Exponential Distribution in the Reliability Distribution Analysis Report.
ReliabilityExponentialTTRReturns TTR data for the Exponential Distribution in the Reliability Distribution Analysis Report.
ReliabilityLognormalTTFReturns TTF data for the Lognormal Distribution in the Reliability Distribution Analysis Report.
ReliabilityLognormalTTRReturns TTR data for the Lognormal Distribution in the Reliability Distribution Analysis Report.
ReliabilityNormalTTFReturns TTF data for the Normal Distribution in the Reliability Distribution Analysis Report.
ReliabilityNormalTTRReturns TTR data for the Normal Distribution in the Reliability Distribution Analysis Report.
ReliabilityWeibullTTFReturns TTF data for the Weibull Distribution in the Reliability Distribution Analysis Report.

Returns TTR data for the Weibull Distribution in the Reliability Distribution Analysis Report.


Displays the Spare information for a Spares Analysis in the Spares Analysis Report.

This is a subreport to the Spares Analysis report, named SparesApplication.

Spares Analysis - Applications

Returns application information corresponding to a particular Spare in a Spares Analysis.

Spares Analysis - Charts

Returns chart data tied to a particular Spares Analysis.

Spares Analysis - ChartsMain

Returns a list of charts for a particular Spares Analysis.

Spares Analysis - MainReturns property information for a particular Spares Analysis.
Spares Analysis - SparesReturns Spare information related to a particular Spares Analysis.
Spares Analysis - SparesMainReturns a list of Spares for a particular Spares Analysis.

Displays information and graphs for a Spares Analysis.

This report also uses the SparesChart and Spares subreports.

SparesApplicationDisplays application information for a Spares Analysis. This is a subreport to the Spares report.
SparesChartDisplays charts for a Spares Analysis. This is a subreport to the SparesAnalysis report.
SubreportDistributionAnalysisDisplays the subreport for Reliability Distibution Analyses containing failure data.
SubReportProbDistDisplays the subreport for Probability Distribution Analyses containing failure data.
SubreportProductionAnalysisDisplays the subreport for Production Analyses containing Production Data.
System Reliability - ActionResultReturns a list of action simulation results for a particular System Reliability Analysis.
System Reliability - ElementResultReturns a list of element simulation results for a particular System Reliability Analysis.
System Reliability - MainReturns property information for a particular System Reliability Analysis.
System Reliability - ResourceResultReturns a list of resource simulation results for a particular System Analysis.
System Reliability - SummaryResultReturns root element simulation results for a particular System Analysis.
SystemReliabilityActionResultReportDisplays the subreport for System Reliability Analyses containing Action Simulation Result Data.
SystemReliabilityElementResultReportDisplays the subreport for System Reliability Analyses containing Element Simulation Result Data.
SystemReliabilityMainReportDisplays the SSRS report for System Reliability Analysis.
SystemReliabilityResourceResultReportDisplays the subreport for System Reliability Analyses containing Resource Simulation Result Data.
SystemReliabilitySummaryResultReportDisplays the subreport for System Reliability Analyses containing Root Element Simulation Result Data.
Weibull Distribution QueryReturns data for Weibull Distributions in the reports in the Reliability Analytics module.

Reliability Manager Folder

The Catalog folder \\Public\Meridium\Modules\Reliability Manager contains the following items.

Item Name

Behavior and Usage

RARecommendationSummary Displays the Recommendation Summary graph on the RA Overview page.
RATop10BadActorsDisplays the Top 10 Bad Actors chart on the RA Overview page.
RATop10BadActorsWithPLADisplays the Top 10 Bad Actors chart with PLA data on the RA Overview page.
RATrackResultsByRecommendationDisplays the Track Results By Recommendation Implementation Year graph on the RA Overview page.
RATrackResultsByRecommendationWithPLADisplays the Track Results By Recommendation Implementation Year graph with PLA data on the RA Overview page.
Reliability DashboardDisplays the Reliability Dashboard that contains the Recommendation Summary graph, Top 10 Bad Actors chart, and Track Results By Recommendation Implementation Year graph.

Queries Folder

The Catalog folder \\Public\Meridium\Modules\Reliability Manager\Queries contains the following items.

Item Name

Behavior and Usage

Dashboard - Recommendation Summary

Displays the Recommendation Summary chart on the RA Overview page.

Dashboard - Top 10 - Cost from Work History by EquipmentDisplays the top 10 Equipment based on costs from Work Histories in the Top 10 Bad Actors chart on the RA Overview page.
Dashboard - Top 10 - Cost from Work History by Functional Location

Displays the top 10 Functional Locations based on costs from Work Histories in the Top 10 Bad Actors chart on the RA Overview page.

Dashboard - Top 10 - Equipment Linked to Reliability

Displays the top 10 Equipment linked by the Reliability family in the Top 10 Bad Actors chart on the RA Overview page.

Dashboard - Top 10 - Functional Location Linked to Reliability

Displays the top 10 Functional Locations linked by the Reliability family in the Top 10 Bad Actors chart on the RA Overview page.

Dashboard - Top 10 - LPO from PLA by Equipment

Displays the LPO from PLA by Equipment in the Top 10 Bad Actors chart on the RA Overview page.

Dashboard - Top 10 - Production Cost from PLA by Equipment

Displays the production costs from PLA by Equipment in the Top 10 Bad Actors chart on the RA Overview page.

Dashboard - Top 10 Bad Actors with PLA

Displays the top 10 assets or Functional Locations that are costing you the most with PLA in the Top 10 Bad Actors chart on the RA Overview page.

Dashboard - Top 10 Bad Actors without PLA

Displays the top 10 assets or Functional Locations that are costing you the most without PLA in the Top 10 Bad Actors chart on the RA Overview page.

Dashboard - Track Result - Cost from Work History

Displays the costs from work history in the Track Results By recommendation Implementation Year chart on the RA Overview page.

Dashboard - Track Result - Costs of Functional Location

Displays the sum of maintenance costs and production costs of a Functional Location in the Track Results By recommendation Implementation Year chart on the RA Overview page.

Dashboard - Track Result - Equipment with FE Recommendations Implemented

Displays the equipment with FE recommendations implemented in the Track Results By recommendation Implementation Year chart on the RA Overview page.

Dashboard - Track Result - Equipment with FE Recommendations Implemented - All Years

Displays the equipment with FE recommendations implemented for all years in the Track Results By recommendation Implementation Year chart on the RA Overview page.

Dashboard - Track Result - Last 5 Years

Displays the results of the last 5 years in the Track Results By recommendation Implementation Year chart on the RA Overview page.

Dashboard - Track Result - Maintenance Costs

Displays maintenance costs in the Track Results By recommendation Implementation Year chart on the RA Overview page.

Dashboard - Track Result - Production Loss CostsDisplays production loss costs in the Track Results By recommendation Implementation Year chart on the RA Overview page.
Dashboard - Track Result - Production Loss Costs - Sub QueryDisplays subquery production loss costs in the Track Results By recommendation Implementation Year chart on the RA Overview page.
Dashboard - Track Result - Total Cost from Work History

Displays the total cost from work history in the Track Results By recommendation Implementation Year chart on the RA Overview page.

Dashboard - Track Result - Total Cost from Work History and PLA

Displays total cost from work history and PLA in the Track Results By recommendation Implementation Year chart on the RA Overview page.

Dashboard - Track Result with PLA

Displays results with PLA in the Track Results By recommendation Implementation Year chart on the RA Overview page.

Dashboard - Track Result without PLA

Displays results without PLA in the Track Results By recommendation Implementation Year chart on the RA Overview page.

RAPageFilterReturns the page filters for the RA Overview page.

Analyses Folder

The Catalog folder \\Public\Meridium\Modules\Reliability Manager\Analyses contains the following items.

Item Name

Behavior and Usage

All Production Data

This query is used to create a Production Analysis from PLA Production Data.

Combined Production Data CodesThis subquery is used by the All Production Data query.
Production Event Code - Max LossThis subquery is used by the Combined Production Data Codes subquery.
Production Impact Code - Max LossThis subquery is used by the Combined Production Data Codes subquery.
Production OEE Code - Max LossThis subquery is used by the Combined Production Data Codes subquery.

Interpreting the Spares Analysis Example

After you have created a Spares Analysis and run a Monte Carlo simulation, you can interpret the results to determine if the current storing level of spare parts is appropriate. Consider the completed Spares Analysis from our example.

Currently, one spare seal, one spare bearing, and no spare impellers are stored in the warehouse. After completing a Spares Analysis, we can view the results of the Monte Carlo simulation in the following Spares Analysis plots for each spare part to determine if any changes need to be made to the current holding level of seals, bearings, or impellers to avoid excessive costs and downtime:

  • Spare Level Plot
  • Downtime Plot
  • Spare Usage Plot
  • Sensitivity Plot
  • Optimal Holding Plot