Overview of the Rounds Data Collection Module
The Rounds Data Collection module allows users to perform route-based, recurring tasks such as operator checks, routine maintenance, lubrication tasks, safety inspections, etc. It provides a user friendly interface for quickly completing the routes and checks when they are due. Generally, data collection will be done using a mobile device such as a tablet computer, as the user completes the required asset checks. Proactive warnings can be set up in the Rounds Designer module to alert the user if the findings indicate a problem with the asset, including advisory notes on what action to take next. Users can create recommendations for action, such as a maintenance follow-up, directly from the mobile device. As data is collected, it is transferred automatically to the GE Digital APM database, where it is used in various asset performance management workflows (e.g., monitoring asset health, and tracking completion of preventive maintenance strategies).
Access the Rounds Data Collection Overview Page
Before you begin
- You can access the Rounds Data Collection Overview page only if you are a member of one of the following Security Groups, or a Role that includes one of these groups:
- MI Operator Rounds User
- MI Lubrication Management User
- MAPM Security Group

The tabs at the top of the page summarize Route information in various categories. You can select a tab to view one of the following sections:
- Overdue Items : Displays a list of Routes that are overdue, allowing you to access the Route or mark it done. The number on the tab indicates the number of Routes that are overdue.
- Due Items : Displays a list of Routes that are due, allowing you to access the Route or mark it done. The number on the tab indicates the number of Routes that are due. If the Route has a schedule set, then the due date is the value in the Next Date field of the Route. If the Route does not have a schedule set, then the due date is the earliest date among all the Next Date values specified for all the Checkpoints in the Route.
Assigned Routes : Displays a list of Routes that are assigned to you. From this section, you can enable or disable offline access, or mark a Route done. The number on the tab indicates the number of Routes that are assigned to you.
Recommendations : Displays a list of all Recommendations. The number on the tab indicates the number of Recommendations.
This page also includes the following items:
- The Route Completion graph: Plots the number of readings taken as a percentage of the number of readings that were due on the Routes that have been marked done in the last 30 days.
- Checkpoint Schedule Compliance (excluding conditional checks) graph
- The Device Settings button: By default, a mobile device must be connected to the network while you take readings. You can also take the readings offline by enabling offline access and setting the download horizon and sync interval with the device using this button.
- The Scan button: You can use this button to scan the barcode of an asset or a location using the camera of the mobile device that is used for data collection. Note: This button appears only if you are using the GE Digital APM mobile application.
The information on the Rounds Data Collection Overview page is related to the asset hierarchy level. You can set the hierarchy level either by selecting on the upper-left corner of the page or from the Asset Hierarchy page. If you do not set the asset hierarchy level, then it is set to Home.