
Overview of General Dashboards

A dashboard is a GE Digital APM Catalog item that can be used to display summary information about the data in your GE Digital APM system and provide a way to navigate to other areas in GE Digital APM.

Access the Dashboards Page

About this task


  • Access an existing dashboard
    1. In the module navigation menu, select Tools > General Dashboards.
      The Dashboards page appears.

      Note: Only Dashboards created or accessed from the Dashboards page appear in this list. The 25 most recently accessed dashboards will be in the list.
    2. In the grid, select the Path for the corresponding dashboard from the list.
      the dashboard opens in a new tab.
  • Access an existing dashboard from the catalog
    1. In the module navigation menu, select Tools > General Dashboards.
      The Dashboards page appears.

      Note: Only Dashboards created or accessed from the Dashboards page appear in this list. The 25 most recently accessed dashboards will be in the list.
    2. Select Browse.
      The Select a dashboard from the catalog window appears.
    3. Navigate the Catalog and select the Dashboard that you want to access.
    4. Select Open.
      The dashboard opens in a new tab.