Viewing Operations History

View the deployment and commands history for devices in Edge Manager.


  1. In the left navigation pane of Edge Manager, click Operations.
    The following information is displayed for deployments and commands on the Operations page:
    NameClick the link to see details about the deployment or command, such as what device it was run on, the status, and what time the deployment or command was started.
    TypeType of package deployed, for example, edge app, configuration, BOM. (Displayed on the Deployments page only.)
    PendingDisplays the number of devices on which the deployment or command operation is pending.
    In ProgressDisplays the number of devices on which the deployment or command operation is progress.
    TimeoutDisplays the number of devices on which the deployment or command timed out.
    Note: Timeout means one of two things.
    1. The device has not reported back to Edge Manager with the final status of the command/task within the time specified when the deployment was scheduled. The command/deployment is still in progress and will retry until it succeeds or fails.
    2. The command/deployment did not receive a response back from the Edge device. This is the final state of the task.
    FailedDisplays the number of devices on which the deployment or command execution failed.
    SuccessfulDisplays the number of devices on which the deployment or command was successful.
    CancelledDisplays the number of devices on which the deployment or command was cancelled.
    Sheduled/Executed onThe date and timestamp for when the deployment or command was scheduled.
    Scheduled/Executed byThe name of the user who scheduled the deployment or command.
    StartedThe date and timestamp for when the deployment or command started.
    EndedThe date and timestamp for when the deployment or command ended.
    ElapsedTime that has elapsed from the start to the end of the deployment or command operation.
  2. (Optional) If the devices on the Operations page are part of a filtered list, you can select Device Operations to perform the following actions on the device:
    • Deploy edge apps, BOMs, configurations, containers, data maps, templates, and software
    • Execute commands
    • Set and remove alert policies