Using Predix Edge Technician Console to Enroll Devices with Predix Cloud

Before you begin

You must install Predix Edge Technician Console.

About this task

For devices running Edge, with connectivity to Predix cloud, you can use the Predix Edge Technician Console to configure the device with the Edge Manager certificate enrollment URL, device ID, and shared secret, so it can communicate with the cloud environment at startup and obtain its own certificate and credentials.


  1. Sign into Predix Edge Technician Console.
  2. In the Device Status page, click Enroll.
  3. In the Enroll Device dialog box, enter the following information:
    • Device ID – Identifies the device with Edge OS. The device ID you enter must match the device ID assigned when the device was added to Edge Manager by the administrator.
    • Shared Secret – Enter the shared secret that was entered with the device was added to Edge Manager.
    • Certificate Enrollment URL – URL of the Edge Manager tenant. You can find the correct certificate enrollment URL in the Edge Manager Settings page.
  4. Click Enroll.
    A green banner displays at the top of the Device Status screen confirming enrollment was successful and the device status displays "enrolled."
    In Edge Manager, the device status displays "online" (this may take a moment).
    Note: Note: Only devices associated with open capacity within their purchased license subscription can be enrolled with Edge Manager. For additional information, please see Edge Manager Dashboard.