About Predix Edge Manager Repository

Use the Edge Manager Repository to view and upload software packages, including system, applications, configurations, and containers.

The Repository page displays the following information about software uploaded to Edge Manager:
Column Description
Name The name of the software package.
Type The type of software, which includes the following types:
  • Application – Application software for the device.
  • Analytics Data Map – Maps the data defined in the analytics template to the device output structures.
  • Analytics Template – The analytic template defines the input and output structures required by the analytic.
  • Configuration – Device configuration software.
  • Operating System – Unpack the Predix Edge tar.gz image and use the signed software update file inside (predix_edge_OS.swu.tar.gz or predix_edge_OS.swu, for example).
    Unpack the Predix Edge .tar.gz image and use the signed software update file inside it (predix_edge_OS.swu.signed.tar.gz).
  • Virtual Machine – Upload a virtual machine image.
Version The software version. The most recent version of the software is displayed by default. If a software package has multiple versions, you can select which version you want from the drop-down list in the Version column.
Version has the following format:
For example:
Vendor The device vendor.
Description Description for the uploaded software.
Notes Additional notes about the software.