Bill of Materials

Create and install a Bill of Materials (BOM) to track dependencies between software packages and applications.

The Bill of Materials (BOM) lists all the software packages and applications, with dependencies among them, that are installed on a GE Digital-provisioned device. The BOM lists the software packages with their version numbers in the order they should be installed on the device.

Note: Software packages can be of the type application, container, or configuration. If you do not specify the type of package in the BOM JSON file, it is application by default.

BOM Definition

The BOM must be in JSON format. Package installation follows the order you define in the BOM. The below JSON shows an example BOM for Predix Edge:

  "name": "Sample-BOM",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "description": "Sample BOM ",
  "packages": [{

      "version": "1.0.0",
      "name": "QE-EdgeApp",
      "type": "multi_container_app",
      "appInstanceId": "alias1"},  
      "version": "1.0.0",
      "name": "QE-EdgeConfig",
      "type": "configuration",
      "appInstanceId": "alias1"}