About Edge Manager Device Management

The Edge Manager Device Manager page is the entry point for performing many tasks, such as adding and deleting devices, moving devices, assigning devices, and viewing and filtering the device list.

Select Device Manager > Devices to view the list of devices. The Device Manager page displays a list of registered devices, including the name, device ID, model, status, assigned technician, description, and associated VPNs for each device.

You can use the Device Manager page to perform the following tasks:

  • Add and delete single, or multiple, devices
  • Move devices to other groups.
  • View device status and other information about the device, such as Device ID, model, assigned technician, and description.

    In the VPN column, if there are associated VPNs for the device, you can click View to see the VPN details page.

  • Apply filters to the device list to view only devices that meet the criteria you specify.
  • Assign and reassign devices to technicians.
  • Export a CSV file with device details to your local device.
  • Click the device name to view details and perform actions for individual devices.
  • Perform bulk device operations, including:
    • Deploy edge apps, BOMs, configurations, containers, templates, and software to a filtered list, or list of selected devices.
    • Executing commands.
    • Setting and removing alert policies.
    • Assigning services.