Importing a Device List

Import a list of devices in a CSV file format to add multiple devices to Edge Manager.

About this task

The CSV must contain the following fields:
  • modelID
  • did
  • name
  • sharedSecret
Note: The device ID must follow these conventions:
  • Must be a minimum of 3 characters.
  • Must not exceed 63 characters.
  • Must start with an alphanumeric character (0-9 or a-z).
  • The remaining characters can be any combination of alphanumeric, underscore (_), or hyphen (-).
  • Do not use colons (:).
  • The Device ID is case-insensitive, but is always stored as lower-case. If you enter upper-case characters in Edge Manager, they are converted to lower-case.


  1. In the left navigation pane, select Device Manager > Devices.
  2. Select Action > Import.
  3. In the Select Group dialog box, choose the group to import the devices to, and click Next.
  4. Navigate to the CSV file to import, then double-click.
    The devices are imported into the selected group.
  5. In the CSV Upload Status dialog box, click Close.
  6. Refresh the device list to see the imported devices.