Edge Manager Dashboard

When you initially sign into Edge Manager, you see the Alerts dashboard at the top of the page. If you have no enrolled devices, all of the number values are zeroes. Once you have enrolled devices, the Alerts dashboard gives you a quick summary view of current alerts, along with how many devices are currently online, offline, or in the created state. You can click on the device name link to go to the device details page for that device.

You can apply filters to the information you see on the Alerts dashboard by clicking . You can also create new filters by clicking .

Device Subscription Enrollment Entitlement

To see information regarding your subscriptions and their associated devices, click the number indicated for Entitled Devices. This will bring up the Entitlement Details dialog, which will list each of your license subscriptions.

For each subscription you will see the:
  • Start Date
  • End Date (expiry date)
  • Device Count (the number of devices available for enrollment)
License subscriptions are obtained from the GE Vernova sales team. When purchasing a subscription for the first time, the GE Vernova fulfillment team will provision a new instance of the Edge Manager. If an incremental subscription is being purchased, the entitlement will be applied to the existing Edge Manager instance. For existing license entitlement issues, open a support case with the GE Vernova support team.
When you login to Edge Manager and are on the dashboard there are two banners that will be displayed based upon your enrolled devices and your current subscription entitlement:
  • At your device capacity: “You do not have additional entitlements to enroll new devices. For details see the Product Documentation.”
  • Exceeding your device capacity: “Your device enrollment license capacity has been exceeded. For details see the Product Documentation.”
Existing devices enrolled with Edge Manager when a subscription ends will continue to be able to be managed remotely. GE Vernova will periodically review entitlement versus actual usage and reach out to customers who are exceeding their subscription entitlement to properly license all devices or to disenroll devices that are no longer needed to be remotely managed.