Creating and Saving Filters

If you often use the same criteria for filtering the device list, you can create your own custom filters for later reuse.


  1. Go to any of the following pages to create filters:
    • Dashboard
    • Device Manager > Devices
    • Alerts
    • Operations
  2. Click the Filters icon () to expand the filter fields.
    By default, all device groups are in the Filter Scope unless a group filter is applied. To create and save filters for devices in specific groups, see Filtering Devices by Group.
  3. From the Device Filters list, select the criteria for the filter, then click Apply.
    • Available attributes include default attributes that all devices have, and any custom device attributes you have created.
    • In the middle field, select the operator for the filter. The operator choices that you see depend on the data type of the attribute.
    • In the box on the right, select the value for the filter. For example, if you chose Device Status as the attribute and equal as the operator, you can select from:
      • Online – the device is online.
      • Created – the device has not yet connected to Edge Manager and is not enrolled.
      • Offline – the device has connected to Edge Manager at some point, but is now unreachable.
    To add additional filters, click the + on the right side of the Device Filters boxes.
    Note: When you use multiple filters, each additional filter is treated as an and operation. So you are applying Filter1 and Filter2 and Filter3, and so on.
    Click the minus - to the right of a filter to remove it.
  4. Click Save.
  5. Enter a name for the filter, and click Save.
    Note: Filter names must be unique and follow these rules:
    • A minimum of 3 characters.
    • A maximum of 63 characters.
    • Must start with an alphanumeric character (0-9 or a-z).
    • Remaining characters can be any combination of alphanumeric, underscore (_), or hyphen (-).

    Your filter is created and now appears in the Saved Filter Sets list so that you can select it in the future.