Viewing Details for Operations

View details for device operations, including status, the time the operation was scheduled to begin, the time the operation completed and so on.


  1. In the left navigation pane, click Operations.
  2. In the Name column, click the operation to view its details.
    The Operations details page displays deployment details for the operation.
    Table 1. Deployment Details
    Operation DetailDescription
    DeviceThe device the task was run on. Click the device to view its details.
    StatusThe status of the task. Statuses include the following:
    • Pending – All tasks have a pending status before a task starts.
    • Success – The task succeeded.
    • In Progress – When one or more tasks begins progress, and some tasks are successful, some are pending, and no failure occurs, a number displays how many are still incomplete, for example, In Progress (4).
    • Failed – The task failed.
      Note: The Failed status is a clickable link, which launches a window with an error message about why the task failed, if the installation script saves messages to a status file.
    • Canceled – The task was canceled. This status applies only to commands.
    • Unknown – The status is unknown.
    RetriesDisplays the number of retry attempts made for the task.
    Time AcknowledgedThe date and timestamp of when the operation request was acknowledged by the device.
    Execution StartThe date and timestamp for when the task is execution is started.
    EndThe date and timestamp for when the task execution ends.
    ElapsedThe time elapsed since between execution start and end.
    Execution LogsOnce a task has a status of "Finished," you can click the details link to view the detailed log for the task. Until the task is finished, "Not available" is displayed.
    Note: This feature is not supported on some devices, in which case, "Not available" is displayed.
    If the device is part of a filtered list, you can select Device Operations to perform the following actions on the device:
    • Deploy edge apps, BOMs, configurations, containers, data maps, templates, and software
    • Execute commands
    • Set and remove alert policies