Viewing Details for a SIM Card
About this task
- In the left navigation pane, click .
- Click the ICCID link for the SIM card to view its details.The page for the selected SIM card displays the SIM details, including:
- SIM Details – Displays details, such as ICCID, primary IMSI, and the device ID the SIM card is associated with.
Click the Device ID link to go to the summary page for the device associated with the SIM card.
- SIM Usage – Displays the cycle to date usage, rate plan details, whether the usage limit has been reached, and whether or not the SIM card is suspended.
- SIM APN Information – Displays the IP address for the SIM card.
- Alerts – Displays any data usage alerts for the SIM card.
- Signal Strength – Displays signal strength status, when the status was last updated, and the network mode.
- Rate Plan – Displays the rate plan for the SIM card. This field is read-only.
- Lifecyle Stage – Displays the lifecycle stage for the SIM card (Activated or Deactivated). This field is read-only.
You can also view details for a SIM card associated with a device by clicking the ICCID link displayed in the device's summary page. - SIM Details – Displays details, such as ICCID, primary IMSI, and the device ID the SIM card is associated with.