SetResourceRequirement (IProductionRuntime)

Sets the resource specified by a resource requirement.

This call method is related to the SetMaterialRequirementLotOrSublot call method. While this call method is used to set a material definition on a material requirement, the SetMaterialRequirementLotOrSublot call method is used to set either a material lot or sublot on the requirement.
Important: If you set a material definition on a requirement and then set a material lot (or sublot) on the same requirement, when you read the requirement attributes (ReadSegmentRequirements call method), the value that is returned is the value of the lot (or sublot). Therefore, whatever was last set on that material requirement, by either method, is what is returned when read.
InputsData TypeDescription
Requirement IDGUIDSpecifies the ID of a resource in the current process segment. This is available only by reading segment requirements with resource requirements.

Specifies the resource to set.

In the Inputs section of the activity configuration panel, click the ellipsis button to open the Universal Browser to select the resource you want to use.

Resource TypeStringSpecifies the type of resource to set.

In the Inputs section of the activity configuration panel, click the drop-down arrow to select one of the following valid values:

  • Material
  • Equipment
  • Personnel