Unistalling the License Client

You can uninstall the License Client using the command line.


  1. Open a command-line interpreter window with Administrator privileges.
  2. Enter the following:
    ProficyClientInstaller.exe /uninst /r /f1c:\licensing\temp\SilentClientUninstall.iss
    This executes the uninstall command and records a script with the responses to use on subsequent uninstallations.
    The script is stored in the indicated output folder. In this example, it is in c:\licensing\temp\SilentClientUninstall.iss.
  3. Click Yes to remove the License Client.
  4. Click Yes to restart your computer now or No to restart your computer later.

What to do next

To run subsequent uninstalls of the License Client using the script created in step 2, enter the following into a command-line interpreter window:
start /wait ProficyClientInstaller.exe /uninst /s /f1c:\licensing\temp\SilentClientUninstall.iss