Unistalling the License Client
You can uninstall the License Client using the command line.
- Open a command-line interpreter window with Administrator privileges.
Enter the following:
ProficyClientInstaller.exe /uninst /r /f1c:\licensing\temp\SilentClientUninstall.iss
This executes the uninstall command and records a script with the responses to use on subsequent uninstallations.Note:The script is stored in the indicated output folder. In this example, it is in c:\licensing\temp\SilentClientUninstall.iss. - Click Yes to remove the License Client.
- Click Yes to restart your computer now or No to restart your computer later.
What to do next
start /wait ProficyClientInstaller.exe /uninst /s /f1c:\licensing\temp\SilentClientUninstall.iss