Command Return Codes

Batch file commands return success or error codes at completion.

For more information, check the ProficyLicenseClient log file.

Table 1. Return Codes
Code Description
0 The licenses were deployed successfully.
1 The license file name is required.
2 The license file does not exist.
3 The license file is invalid.
4 The password is required.
5 The ActivateFromCloud command is missing activation codes.
6 The Lease command is missing activation codes.
7 The Return command is missing activation codes.
8 The Lease command is missing the port number.
9 The port number is invalid.
10 The Lease command is missing the server URL.
11 The licenses could not be leased from a local license server.
12 The license(s) could not be activated from the Cloud Licensing Server.
13 Non-configurable software licenses could not be installed.
14 Non-configurable software licenses could not be removed.
15 The licenses could not be returned.
16 The licenses could not be removed.
17 There are one or more restrictions on this environment that prevent licenses from being activated from the Cloud Licensing Server.
18 There are one or more restrictions on this environment that prevent licenses from being leased from the specified local license server.
19 There are one or more restrictions on this environment that prevent licenses from being returned.
20 Not used.
21 There are one or more restrictions on this environment that prevent software licenses from being removed.
22 The command line argument is invalid.
23 The local license server cannot be contacted.
24 The License Client is already running.
25 The specified local license server cannot be used because there are license(s) being activated from a different local license server.
26 Exiting due to one or more invalid activation codes.
27 The actions cannot be performed. Pass a single command on the command line.
28 An error occurred while creating the license text file report.
29 An error occurred while creating the license HTML file report.
30 The license report filename is required.

Usage: -LicenseReport="filepath\Filename" -Format=TXT|HTML [-Overwrite]

31 - The license report file format is required.

Usage: -LicenseReport="filepath\Filename" -Format=TXT|HTML [-Overwrite]

32 The license report file format is not valid.

Usage: -LicenseReport="filepath\Filename" -Format=TXT|HTML [-Overwrite]

33 The license report file already exists. Please use a different filename.
34 The Lease command server url is invalid. Please prefix the server url with http://

Usage: -Lease=1111-2222-3333-4444;AAAA-BBBB-CCCC-DDDD -Server=http://serverUrl -Port=3333

35 Unable to add the Sentinel Service dependency.
36 Unable to remove the Sentinel Service dependency.
37 The Sentinel Service dependency was previously added.
38 The Sentinel Service dependency was previously removed or never added.
39 The user must have Administrator privileges.
40 Cannot perform actions. The UI is running in a different session. Close the running UI and try again.
41 Cannot perform action. The Sentinel Service is not installed.
42 The current security settings on this machine does not allow TLS 1.2 security protocol. Please run windows update to get the latest security updates. Please check the ProficyLicenseClient log file for more information.
43 Cannot perform actions. The UI is running in a different session. Close the running UI and try again.
44 Unable to add the Wibu Service dependency.
45 Unable to remove the Wibu Service dependency.
46 The Wibu Service dependency was previously added.
47 The Wibu Service dependency was previously removed or never added.
48 Cannot perform action. The Wibu Service is not installed.