Configure a server instance

The Configure Server tool is used to create an application server instance, as well as to configure server clustering.

Before you begin

Important: The default user setting for this service is Local System Account. When upgrading your application, the user setting will return to the default setting.

About this task

Note: If you are configuring servers for clustering, you must ensure that you run this tool on all nodes of the cluster.


  1. On the server machine, click Start > All Programs > General Electric > Workflow > Configuration > Configure Server.
  2. Select the Create an Application Server Instance option.
  3. In the Name field, enter a name for the server instance.
  4. Optional: In the Description field, enter a description for the server instance.
  5. Click the Advanced Configuration arrow.
  6. Select or clear the Do not create Windows Service for this Server Instance check box, depending on whether you want this server instance to run as a Windows service.
  7. If you are configuring the server instance to run as a Windows service, and the architecture of the computer you are configuring the instance on is 64-bit, configure the Run service under the following architecture setting to indicate your preference for operational mode as either 32-bit or 64-bit.
  8. In the Service Ports fields, enter the port numbers for each of the service port types.
  9. In the P2P Configuration section:
    1. In the IP Address field, enter the IP address of the server instance.
      Note: Peer servers will contact this server instance at the specified IP address. If the specified address is, then the address will be determined at server start as the first IPv4 address found in the DNS records for the hosting machine's host name. If the address is incorrect, then an appropriate address should be specified here.
    2. In the Port field, enter the port number for the server instance. This value must be unique if multiple server instances are run on the same machine.
  10. Click Save, and then click Exit.