Configure a server instance
The Configure Server tool is used to create an application server instance, as well as to configure server clustering.
Before you begin
Important: The default user setting for this service is Local System Account. When upgrading your application, the user setting will return to the default setting.
About this task
Note: If you are configuring servers for clustering, you must ensure that you run this tool on all nodes of the cluster.
- On the server machine, click .
- Select the Create an Application Server Instance option.
- In the Name field, enter a name for the server instance.
- Optional: In the Description field, enter a description for the server instance.
- Click the Advanced Configuration arrow.
- Select or clear the Do not create Windows Service for this Server Instance check box, depending on whether you want this server instance to run as a Windows service.
- If you are configuring the server instance to run as a Windows service, and the architecture of the computer you are configuring the instance on is 64-bit, configure the Run service under the following architecture setting to indicate your preference for operational mode as either 32-bit or 64-bit.
- In the Service Ports fields, enter the port numbers for each of the service port types.
- In the P2P Configuration section:
- Click Save, and then click Exit.