Server Limit Overrides

There are many limits in the Proficy SOA server that can be changed without recompiling any source. These limits are changed by adding a named file with the new limits to the Program folder.

The following steps apply to all server limits that you want to override.

  1. Determine which server limit(s) and limit group(s) you want to override.
  2. In the Program folder, (that is, <install dir>\Proficy\Proficy Workflow\Program, create a file called <LimitGroup>.lim. For example, to change a limit in the SystemLimits group, name the file SystemLimits.lim.
  3. Add the XML content to the file, as shown in the following example. Add a <limit> element for each limit you want to override.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
     <limit name="QueryResultLimit" warningThreshold="5000" errorThreshold="5000"/>


ConstraintLimit Specifies the maximum number of references between the same parent and child. The default warningThreshold is 4 and the default errorThreshold is 4.
PrimaryKeyLimit Specifies the maximum number of components (properties and references) that can make up a primary key. The default warningThreshold is 6 and the default errorThreshold is 6.
AttributeLimit Specifies the maximum number of attributes that can be defined in a Model Object Type. The default warningThreshold is 100 and the default errorThreshold is 100.
ReferenceLimit Specifies the maximum number of references that can be defined on a Model Object Type. The default warningThreshold is 20 and the default errorThreshold is 20.
SessionObjectLimit Specifies the maximum number of objects that a session can contain. The default warningThreshold is 20000 and the default errorThreshold is 20000.
ClassesPerInstanceLimitSpecifies the maximum number of Classes that can be added to an instance. The default warningThreshold is 50 and the default errorThreshold is 50.
ClassPropertyLimitSpecifies the maximum number of properties that can be added to a class. The default warningThreshold is 1000 and the default errorThreshold is 1000.
TotalPropertyLimit Specifies the maximum number of properties (that is, the associated class properties and instance properties combined) that can be on an instance. The default warningThreshold is 5000 and the default errorThreshold is 5000.


S95IdLength Specifies the maximum length of the S95 ID attribute for S95 resources. The default warningThreshold is 50 and the default errorThreshold is 50.
DescriptionLength Specifies the maximum length of the Description attribute for S95 resources. The default warningThreshold is 255 and the default errorThreshold is 255.
UnitOfMeasureLength Specifies the maximum length of the unit of measure fields for S95 resources. The default warningThreshold is 50 and the default errorThreshold is 50.


SegmentHierarchyDepth Specifies the maximum number of levels that can be in the process or product segment hierarchy. The default warningThreshold is 4 and the default errorThreshold is 4.
Number OfProcessSegments Specifies the maximum number of process segments that can be in a project. The default warningThreshold is 5000 and the default errorThreshold is 5000.
NumberOfAssociatedProcessSegments Specifies the maximum number of process segments that can be associated with a product segment. The default warningThreshold is 1 and the default errorThreshold is 1.
NumberOfResourceSpecificationsPerSegment Specifies the maximum number of a particular type of resource specification (material/equipment/personnel) that can be created for one segment. The default warningThreshold is 500 and the default errorThreshold is 500.
NumberofResourceSpecificationsPerSegmentRequirement Specifies the maximum number of a particular type of resource specification (material/equipment/personnel) that can be associated with one segment requirement. The default warningThreshold is 1000 and the default errorThreshold is 1000.
NumberOfResourceSpecificationsForMasterSegmentSpecifies the maximum number of a particular type of resource specification (material/equipment/personnel) that can be created for a Master Segment. The default warningThreshold is 1200 and the default errorThreshold is 1200.
NmberOfSegmentsPerWorkDefinitionSpecifies the maximum number of segments in a work definition. The default warningThreshold is 50 and the default errorThreshold is 50.
NumberOfOverallSegmentsPerWorkDefinition Specifies the maximum number of segments, under all hierarchy levels, in a work definition. The default warningThreshold is 200 and the default errorThreshold is 200.
NumberOfParametersPerSegmentRequirement Specifies the maximum number of parameters that can be associated with a segment requirement. This value is twice the maximum number of parameters per process/product segment. The default warningThreshold is 200 and the default errorThreshold is 200.
NumberOfWorkRequestsPerArchive Specifies the maximum number of work requests that can be archived at once. The default warningThreshold is 500 and the default errorThreshold is 500.


ExampleLimitSpecifies an example of a Server Core Limit. The default warningThreshold is 123 and the default errorThreshold is 124.
NameLengthSpecifies the default system limit for the maximum length of object names. The default warningThreshold is 50 and the default errorThreshold is 50.
PropertyNameLengthSpecifies the default system limit for the maximum length of object property names. The default warningThreshold is 200 and the default errorThreshold is 200.
DescriptionLengthSpecifies the default system limit for the maximum length of object descriptions. The default warningThreshold is 255 and the default errorThreshold is 255.
QueryResultLimitSpecifies the maximum number of results to return in a WCF query. The default warningThreshold is 5000 and the default errorThreshold is 5000.


CategoryDefinitionsLimitSpecifies the maximum number of category definitions. The default warningThreshold is 1000 and the default errorThreshold is 1000.
CompletionCodeDefinitionsLimitSpecifies the maximum number of completion code definitions. The default warningThreshold is 1000 and the default errorThreshold is 1000.
ConcurrentDebugSessionsLimitSpecifies the maximum number of concurrent debug sessions. The default warningThreshold is 10 and the default errorThreshold is 10.
ConcurrentWorkflowInstancesLimitSpecifies the maximum number of concurrent workflow instances. The default warningThreshold is 1000 and the default errorThreshold is 1000.
EventScopeEventHandlerLimitSpecifies the maximum number of events allowed to be queued for an event scope activity at runtime. The default warningThreshold is 10 and the default errorThreshold is 10.
FaultDefinitionLimitSpecifies the maximum number of fault definitions. The default warningThreshold is 1000 and the default errorThreshold is 1000.
ResourceUserVersionLimitSpecifies the maximum number of resource user versions. The default warningThreshold is 1000 and the default errorThreshold is 1000.
SubprocessDefinitionLimitSpecifies the maximum number of subprocess definitions. The default warningThreshold is 1000 and the default errorThreshold is 1000.
TaskClientTaskHistoryResultsLimitSpecifies the maximum number of task client and history results. The default warningThreshold is 1000 and the default errorThreshold is 1000.
WorkflowDefinitionsLimitSpecifies the maximum number of workflow definitions. The default warningThreshold is 1000 and the default errorThreshold is 1000.
WorkflowScheduleLimitSpecifies the maximum number of workflow schedules. The default warningThreshold is 3000 and the default errorThreshold is 3000.
UserActivityLimitSpecifies the maximum number of user activities. The default warningThreshold is 500 and the default errorThreshold is 500.
DataItemLimitSpecifies the maximum number of data items. The default warningThreshold is 100 and the default errorThreshold is 100.
UserActivityNestingLimitSpecifies the maximum number of user activity nesting levels. The default warningThreshold is 5 and the default errorThreshold is 5.


EventDefinitionsLimitSpecifies the number of event definitions allowed to be defined on a form. The default warningThreshold is 15 and the default errorThreshold is 15.
DataItemDefinitionsLimitSpecifies the number of data item definitions allowed to be defined on a form. The default warningThreshold is 20 and the default errorThreshold is 20.
InputParameterDefinitionsLimitSpecifies the number of input parameter definitions allowed to be defined on a form. The default warningThreshold is 100 and the default errorThreshold is 100.
OutputParameterDefinitiosLimitSpecifies the number of output parameter definitions allowed to be defined on a form. The default warningThreshold is 100 and the default errorThreshold is 100.
ServiceProviderDefinitionsLimitSpecifies the number of Service Provider method definitions allowed to be defined on a form. The default warningThreshold is 20 and the default errorThreshold is 20.

ResourceLimits - For Database Provider

MaximumDatabaseConnectionLimitSpecifies the maximum number of connections that can be held. The default warningThreshold is 100 and the default errorThreshold is 100.
MaximumDatabaseStatementsLimitSpecifies the maximum number of statements that can be held. The default warningThreshold is 500 and the default errorThreshold is 500.

ResourceLimits - For Web Service Provider

MaximumWebServicesLimitSpecifies the maximum number of web services that can be held. The default warningThreshold is 100 and the default errorThreshold is 100.