Install a single application server and client

The following information guides you through the full installation process of the application server and client.

About this task

Note: During this installation process, you are required to create an Administrator user. This user is automatically assigned all permissions, which will allow you to create and define your user and security permissions.


  1. From the application splash screen, click Install Client and Application Server.
    Note: If the splash screen does not appear, run InstallFrontEnd.exe on the root directory of the installation folder.
    The setup wizard appears.
  2. Click Application Server.
    The Application Server Type page appears.
  3. Select Core server, and then click Next.
    The License Agreement page appears.
  4. Review the license agreement, and then click I Agree.
    The Installation Folders and Architecture page appears.
  5. Proceed as applicable based on the architecture of your computer.
    If the architecture is...Then do this...
    1. Accept the default destination folder or browse for a new location, and then click Next.

      The AD LDS Integration page appears.

    1. Accept the default Destination Folder (32-bit), or browse for a new location.
      Important: This is the installation location for 32-bit components. Do not install 32-bit components to the 64-bit installation directory; otherwise, the installation will fail.
    2. Accept the default Destination Folder (64-bit), or browse for a new location.
    3. Select either 32-bit or 64-bit depending on the architecture in which you want the server to operate.
      Tip: The default is 64-bit, but you may also select 32-bit. If your environment changes after installation, you can use the Configure Server tool to change the architecture.
    4. Click Next.

      The AD LDS Integration page appears.

  6. To integrate Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services (AD LDS), do one of the following:
    If AD LDS is...Then...
    NOT installedYou are given information regarding its use. If it is not required, then click Next.
    Installed in a test and/or development environmentSelect the Do not use Microsoft Directory Services check box, and then click Next.
    Installed in a production environmentClick Next.
  7. If you are using AD LDS, perform the following procedure:
    1. Clear the Do not use AD LDS check box.
    2. In the Directory Instance section, in the Name field, enter an instance name for the ADAM directory.
    3. In the Port (LDAP) and Port (SSL) fields, enter valid port numbers.
    4. In the User Credentials section, in the Name field, enter the name of a user that is a member of a local computer's Administrators Group.
    5. In the Domain field, enter the name of your company's domain.
    6. In the Password field, enter the password for the user you entered in the Name field.
  8. Click Next.
    The Database Configuration page appears.
  9. Specify the SQL Server database settings for this application based on the configuration of your environment.
    Note: To create a backup copy of the database that you choose, select Back up your existing database.
    To configure SQL Server settings...Then...
    1. Select the Use a local database with Windows Authentication check box.
      Note: To use this option, the following SQL Server conditions apply:
      • Installed locally, AND
      • Designated as default Local Host, AND
      • Uses Windows Authentication
    2. Proceed to step 10.
    1. Clear the Use a local database with Windows Authentication check box.
    2. Proceed to step 9.
  10. Specify your SQL Server settings, as follows:
    1. In the Server field, enter or select the name of the SQL Server that you want to connect to.
      Note: If the SQL Server is installed locally with a default instance you may enter localhost.
    2. In the Database field, enter the name of your SQL Server database, or click the drop-down arrow to search for all databases located on the specified server.
      Note: If the specified database does not exist, it will be created for you.
    3. From the Authentication list, select the type of authentication that you want to use, and then proceed based on your selection.
      • If you select Windows Authentication, proceed to step 10.
      • If you select SQL Server Authentication, proceed to step d.
    4. Enter the User Name and Change Password that are configured for SQL Server authentication, and then proceed to step 10.
    • Password character restrictions: <, >, &, '
    • The account used for SQL Authentication must have access to create new databases.
    • To install the application server and related SIMs, the SQL Server Management Studio server role, db_owner, is required.
    • For regular database use during run time, the SQL server login account requires db_owner and dbcreator privileges. After adding these roles in SQL Server Management Studio, run the Configure Database tool to update log on credentials. For more information, see the Modify your Workflow application server database section in the Workflow help.
  11. Click Next.
    The Security page appears.
  12. Specify the administrator's authentication credentials.
    1. In the Name field, accept the default name or enter a new name.
    2. In the Password field, enter a password.
      Note: If password complexity is enabled and configured, the Administrator password must follow the same rules as defined for user passwords.
    3. In the Confirm Password field, enter the password again.
  13. Optional: You can specify one or more advanced authentication settings. If you do not want to use this feature, clear all check boxes, and then click Next.
    1. To use GE SSO authentication:
      1. Select the Use SSO (Single Sign On) check box.
        Note: Selecting this check box displays the SSO Authentication option when a user logs on,
      2. Select an identify provider option that complies with the level of restrictions and security required for your application.
        Note: The Production Identity Provider option provides greater security for your application.
    2. Select the Allow Password Change check box if you want to allow users to change their login password at any time.
      Selecting this check box displays the Change Password option when a user logs on.
    3. Select the Enforce User Lockout check box, and then set the lockout threshold, duration, and timeframe values. This check box is selected by default.
      Tip: The Administrator account is also restricted by the lockout settings.
    4. Select the Enforce Password Complex Rules check box, then select Simple, Normal, or Advanced to determine the level of complexity for your passwords.
      On new installations, this check box is selected by default. When upgrading versions, this check box is cleared by default.
    5. Select Web HMI Access and enter the Web HMI Host name if you wish to access the Workflow Task List from your Web HMI installation.
  14. Click Next.
    The Security Certificates page appears.
  15. Select the appropriate certificate option. For full descriptions of the certificate options, see Security Certificate Options.
  16. Click Next.
    If the computer you are installing on has an enabled firewall, the Firewall Settings page appears.
  17. If required, make note of the port numbers to open in the firewall, and then click Next.
    Important: If your system uses a firewall, you must follow the instructions on the Firewall Setting page and open ports 8447, 8012, 8111, 8112, 8020, 8201, 8202, 8203, and 8204 to incoming TCP traffic. For information on opening a port in your firewall, see online help for your Windows operating system.
    The Installation Confirmation page appears.
    Tip: At any time during the configuration process, you can click Back to return to a previous page to change your settings.
  18. Click Install.
    The Installation page appears, displaying the status of each installation step.
    Note: In certain situations, a system restart is required after installation. If this is the case, a corresponding message is displayed among the listed status messages.
  19. When the installation is complete, click Exit.
    Note: If the installation fails, or you want to change a configuration setting after the installation completes, you can open the appropriate standalone component to configure the required information. For more information, see Post Installation Configuration.


The Web Task List is automatically installed with the Workflow application server installation. Users can access the WebTask List using a web browser. For more information, see Connect to the Web Task List.