Install a remote client

This information guides you through the process of installing a remote client on a different machine than the application server.

Before you begin

Install a single application server and client.

Note: You must install the application server before you install a client because you require an available server to connect to.


  1. From the application splash screen, click Install Workflow Client and Application Server.
    Note: If the splash screen does not appear, run InstallFrontEnd.exe on the root directory of the installation folder.
    The setup wizard appears.
  2. Click Client Only.
    The License Agreement page appears.
  3. Review the license agreement, and then click I Agree.
    The Installation Folder page appears.
  4. Accept the default destination folder or browse for a new location, and then click Next.
    The Application Server page appears.
  5. Specify the name of the application server that this client will connect to.
    1. In the Computer Name field, enter the name of the computer where the server you want to connect to is installed.
      • If you are configuring a full server or in a multiple server environment, enter the hostname of the computer on which the Workflow server is installed.
      • If you are configuring a server cluster environment, enter the cluster name used when you set up your cluster.
        Note: You can also use the IP address for the server if the server uses a static IP address.
    2. In the Instance Name field, enter the name of the server instance you want to connect to.
    3. In the HTTP Port field, enter the port number required to allow communication with the server.
    4. Click Next.
      The Security Certificates page appears.
  6. The security certificates are automatically downloaded from the Workflow server to which you are connecting.
  7. Click Next.
    The Installation Confirmation page appears.
    Tip: At any time during the configuration process, you can click Back to return to a previous page to change your settings.
  8. Click Install.
    The Installation page appears, displaying the status of each installation step.
    Note: In certain situations, a system restart is required after installation. If this is the case, a corresponding message is displayed among the listed status messages.
  9. When the installation is complete, click Exit.
  10. Launch the Workflow client.
    A message appears stating: Updates are available. Click OK to start Workflow Update.
  11. Click OK, and then, on the Workflow Update page, click Install Updates.
  12. When the updates have finished installing, click Restart Client.