XYChart Object
The XYChart object holds information describing the data that is being collected and how the data should display.
The XY Chart displays the relationship between two data sets. In the XY Chart, the data is refreshed and plotted based on the settings for the X axis.
DoesPropertyHaveTargets Method
GetConnectionInformation Method
GetConnectionParameters Method
DSLegendAvgerageOverRangeColWidth Property
DSLegendCurrentValColWidth Property
DSLegendDescriptionColWidth Property
DSLegendEngUnitsColWidth Property
DSLegendHighLimitColWidth Property
DSLegendHighOverRangeColWidth Property
DSLegendLowLimitColWidth Property
DSLegendLowOverRangeColWidth Property
DSLegendQualityColWidth Property
DSLegendSourceColWidth Property
HorizontalScaleDirection Property
HorizontalScalePercentage Property
ShowTimeCursorToolTips Property
TreatSinglePointsAsLines Property
VerticalScaleDirection Property
VerticalScalePercentage Property