Edit Event

Occurs when:

  • The user double clicks an object in the Configuration environment.
  • The user pastes an object into a page from a DynamoSet.


object_Edit( )


The Edit event syntax has this part:




An object expression that evaluates to an object in the Applies To list.


This method is the primary mechanism for creating a custom property page for an object that is in the form of a VBA custom form, which is useful for creating Dynamo objects. When an object is modified, the order of execution is:

  1. If the object has an edit event, it is fired.
  2. If the object has a custom property page (ocxes, chart objects, alarm summary objects), it is fired.
  3. Otherwise, the animation dialog box is displayed.

TIP: Put all substitution logic in the Edit event and pass all object context into a shared or global form. Object names are automatically modified on a duplicate if the reference is in the event handler. Hard-coded object references in user forms are not modified when an object is duplicated.


Applies To