BuildObject Method

Adds a new iFIX object to the system. All iFIX objects, pictures, schedules, groups, and shapes can contain other objects. Typically, when creating objects, you would call BuildObject on the currently active page object (Application.ActiveDocument.Page). BuildObject adds shapes to a graphic, events to a schedule and animations to a shape.




The BuildObject method syntax has these parts:




An object expression that evaluates to an object in the Applies To list.


String. The class name of the object to build.

Valid entries:
Arc, Bitmap, Chart, Chord, Datalink, Fixevent, Format, Group, Line, Linear, Lookup, OleObject, Oval, Pen, Pie, Polyline, Polygon, Rect, RoundRect, Text, Fixtimer, Variable, LineChart, XYChart, SPCBarChart, and HistogramChart

Return Value

Object. The dispatch pointer of the object that was created.


BuildObject inserts the desired object into the ContainedObjects collection of the object for which BuildObject was called.

BuildObject is a configuration and run mode environment method.

NOTE: The objects that are created in run mode (via scripting) are discarded (not persisted) when the picture is switched back to configure mode.



Applies To