When TruncateTitles is set to true in an Enhanced Chart, the chart title, chart sub-title and axes titles are all truncated to fit the allowable space, before any scaling is applied. In many cases, this results in easier to read titles and labels. When set to false, these titles are all scaled to display the full title, despite how small the font size appears.
object.TruncateTitles [= Boolean]
The TruncateTitles property syntax has these parts:
Part |
Description |
object |
An object expression that evaluates to an object in the Applies To list. |
Boolean |
Describes whether the chart title, chart sub-title and axes titles are all truncated to fit the allowable space, before any scaling is applied. |
The settings for Boolean are:
Value |
Description |
True |
Titles are truncated to fit the allowable space, before any scaling is applies. |
False |
No titles are truncated, and instead all titles are scaled to fit the allowable space. (Default) |