MouseUpOffObject Event

Occurs when the left mouse button is pressed on an object, the mouse cursor is moved off the object and then released to the UP position.




The MouseUpOffObject event syntax has one part:




An object expression that evaluates to an object in the Applies To list.


The MouseUpOffObject event is only used with the left mouse button. This event will not apply to the right mouse button.

The MouseUpOffObject event can be enabled or disabled by the setting of the AllowMouseUpOffObjectEvent entry in the [AppRunPreferences] section of the FixUserPreferences.ini file. The values of the setting can be 1 for TRUE and 0 for FALSE. The default value is 1 (TRUE).

If the MouseUpOffObject event is enabled and there is MouseUpOffObject event script created for the object, then the MouseUpOffObject event is processed and the script in the event is executed. If MouseUpOffObject event is NOT enabled, then the MouseUp event is sent to the object's container (group or page).


Applies To