Work Definitions Details Tab

The Details tab offers general information about the selected work definition.

You can change the name and description of this resource.
NameRequired; user-defined up to 50 charactersSpecifies a display name for a resource.
DescriptionUser-defined up to 255 charactersProvides more information about a resource that a user may find helpful.

The following table describes the attributes specific to this resource type.

Related Production RuleUser-defined alphanumeric string (A-Z, a-z, 0 - 9) up to 20 charactersSpecifies an identification for a rule.
Work Definition VersionUser-defined alphanumeric string (A-Z, a-z, 0 - 9) up to 20 charactersSpecifies the current version of this resource.
Work Type System-definedSpecifies the work type to describe the category of work that the work definition is associated with. Valid values are: Production, Maintenance, Quality, Inventory, Mixed, and Unspecified.
Linked ResourceSystem definedSpecifies a linked resource (such as a material definition) that the work definition is associated with. Valid values are: Equipment, Material, and Personnel resources.