Work Definition Segments

Work definition segments reference a single work process segment and refine the details that describe what the work process segment will accomplish.

A definition segment defines how a process segment is used to produce a specific product by feeding parameters and specifications into a work process segment.

Note: A work definition segment can be associated with only one work process segment.

You can also associate work definition segments with the parameters of work process segments through a workflow's Call Method activity.

Work definition segments further detail the resources that are required to create the product; that is, the equipment, material, and personnel.

The definition segment inherits the parameters and specifications defined for the associated process segment. You can customize the definition segment by adding product-specific parameters and by changing the values of inherited process segment parameters. However, you cannot delete parameters inherited from the process segment. If you override the value of a process segment parameter at the definition segment level, the change applies only to the specific definition segment; it is not reflected in the process segment.

Equipment, material, and personnel specifications are also inherited from the associated process segment; you cannot add specifications to the definition segment, nor can you change the name and description of an inherited specification; however, you can change the quantity.

The following topics describe the S95 Editor tabs and available attributes.