Depending on the type of the SPC chart configured for the variable, one of the following charts appears:
- X-Bar and Range
- X-Bar and Sigma
- X-Bar and Moving Range
- P chart
- U chart
If a variable is configured with other SPC variables, its value will not be plotted on the SPC chart.
The following table describes each chart.
Chart Type |
Description |
XBar |
Plots the average of the variable values for each subgroup, indicated by the black line. In addition:
- The red dotted lines indicate the calculated upper and lower control limits for the variable.
- The blue dotted line indicates the average of the XBar values for all the 30 samples for the variable.
The serial names for the red and blue lines appear in the legend.Note: By default, values for the last 30 samples appear in the chart. You can, however, change this value by setting the numberOfSamplePoints property in the file. If you have installed Plant Applications Web Client using Docker, this file is located in the Plant Applications installation folder/PlantApplicationsDocker/plantapps-universal-client/activities folder. Otherwise, this file is located in the <Plant Applications installation folder>\PlantApplicationsWebClient\NodeUIApp\activities-app\assets folder. |
Range |
Plots the difference between the maximum and minimum values in a subgroup. |
Sigma |
Plots the standard deviation of the values in a subgroup. |
Moving Range |
Plots the range calculated between the current and previous data points in a subgroup. |
P Chart |
Plots the fraction of the non-conforming items in a subgroup. This chart is used for subgroups of varying sizes and with pass/fail or yes/no type of variable values (for example, tests conducted using a go-no-go guage). |
U Chart |
Plots the number of non-conformities per item in a subgroup (for example, a scratch, dent, or a bubble). This chart is used for subgroups of varying sizes. |
If alarms are configured for one or more values, and if the value is beyond an acceptable limit, the value is indicated by a color-coded indicator in the SPC chart, representing an alarm. The color of the indicator depends on the priority of the alarm. For information, refer to
Acknowledge an Alarm Notification.
When you pause over a value on the SPC chart, a tooltip appears, displaying the SPC variable name, the event number, end date and time of the event, data point, xlcl, xucl, and xcl of the main variable for which the SPC chart is plotted. For an alarm, the alarm description also appears.
The SPC charts appears inline with the variables whose values are plotted on the chart. Variables that are not configured for an SPC chart appear below the SPC variables and the chart.