Completing an Operation

About Completing an Operation

Completing an operation involves performing the operation on all the parts (that is, jobs) as specified in the work order. To complete an operation on a part, you must perform the following tasks:
  1. Clock on the serial number associated with each part on which you want to perform the operation. You can refer to the documents that appear in the Documents section for instructions or any other reference material.
  2. Specify the consumption of BOM items for each serial number. Only if all the mandatory BOM items have been consumed for all the serial numbers, you can mark the operation complete.
  3. Provide data for quality variables that have been defined for the operation in Plant Application Administrator.
  4. If needed, create a defect for the serial number.
  5. Mark the operation complete for each serial number on which you have performed the operation.

After all the operations in a work order are completed, the work order is marked complete in Plant Applications. You can view the completion status of the work order in Order Management.

Clock On a Serial Number

About This Task

Before you work on an operation, you must clock on the serial numbers on which you want to work. It provides visibility to the supervisor on the progress of work for the operation in Order Management.

You can clock on multiple serial numbers at the same time. In addition, multiple users can clock on a single serial number.

Before You Begin

You can clock on a serial number only if it is ready or in progress (that is, already clocked on by other users).


  1. In the Work Queue page, in the row containing the operation on which you want to begin work, select the ON button.
    Note: If the serial number has not been assigned to you or has not been clocked on by other users, the operation will not appear in the work queue. In that case, add the operation to the work queue.
    The Select Serial Number(s) to Clock On window appears, displaying a list of serial numbers in the operation that are available.
  2. In the EQUIPMENT box, select the piece of equipment that you will use to perform the operation.
  3. If you want to clock on all the available serial numbers, select the check box in the heading row of the table.
  4. If you want to clock on selected serial numbers, perform one of the following steps:
    • Select the check box for each serial number that you want to clock on.
    • Search for a serial number by entering the value in the Search in available serial numbers box, and then select the check boxes from the filtered list that appears.
    • Scan the bar code of the serial number by selecting .
  5. Select Clock On.


The selected serial numbers are clocked on. In the Work Queue page, the number of serial numbers that are clocked on is updated in the OFF/ON column.

Next Steps

Access documents related to the operation.

Access Documents

About This Task

You can access the documents that are related to an operation. The documents can be instruction manuals or technical publications associated with the operation. They have been added to the corresponding product line, equipment, or material using the Route Management module or the ERP system.


  1. In the Work Queue page, select the operation on which you want to work.
    The Documents section appears, providing a list of documents associated with the operation.
  2. Select the document that you want to access.


The document appears in the workspace.
Tip: You can rotate the document.

Next Steps

Perform the operation, and specify the consumption of BOM items for the operation.

Specify Consumption of BOM Items for an Operation

About This Task

Consuming a BOM item represents the process of utilizing a BOM item within an operation. The BOM items required to complete an operation are defined in the Route Management module or in the ERP system, along with details on whether using a BOM item is mandatory to complete the operation.

Using the Work Queue module, you can specify the quantity of BOM items that have been consumed for each serial number. You can complete an operation only if all the required BOM items for each serial number in the operation are consumed.

Before You Begin

Clock on the serial numbers for which you want to specify BOM consumption.


  1. In the Work Queue page, select the operation for which you want to specify the consumption of BOM items.
  2. Select BOM.
    A list of serial numbers appears in the SERIAL NUMBERS subsection.
  3. Select the serial number for which you want to specify the consumption of BOM items.
    A list of BOM items for the selected serial number appears in the workspace.
  4. Select the BOM item whose consumption you want to specify.
    A window appears, providing information on the required quantity of the BOM item, whether consuming the BOM item is mandatory to complete the operation, and the quantity that has been already consumed for the serial number.
  5. In the SERIAL/LOT# box, enter the serial number or lot number of the BOM item that you want to consume in the operation. Alternatively, to search for a lot by using a barcode, select , and then scan for the barcode of the lot associated with the BOM item. Only the barcodes of standards Code 39 and Code 128 are supported.
    Note: The SERIAL/LOT# box and the button are available only when the operation associated with the BOM item is clocked on. Else, you can access only the consumed history for that BOM item. The search result of the SERIAL/LOT# box is not case-sensitive.
    The Available: <quantity_of_items> message displays the quantity of BOM items available in the lot for consumption. If the required quantity of the BOM items specified in the REQUIRED QTY box is less than or equal to the quantity available in the lot, the Available: <quantity_of_items> message appears in grey, else the message appears in red. In the REQUIRED QTY box, if you enter a lot number of a lot that is unavailable in the Plant Applications database or enter a value more than the available quantity in the lot, an informational message appears in red as described in the following table.
    Informational Message NameMessage ConditionCorrective Actions
    Available: <quantity_of_items>The available quantity in the lot is less than the required quantity specified in the REQUIRED QTY box.Do one of the following tasks:
    • Consume the available quantity of the BOM item from the existing lot, and then consume the remaining quantity from another lot.
    • Search for another lot that contains the total required quantity of the BOM item, and then consume the BOM item.
    Serial/Lot Not FoundThe lot number or serial number is invalid. Ensure that the lot is available in the database. You can create a lot on a machine and then consume the BOM items from the lot.
    This serial/lot is currently not available. Production status = consumed,Current quantity = <value>.The lot is not available in the database for consumption.Search for another lot that contains BOM items, and then consume the BOM item.
    Lot identifier is found but not available for consumptionThe selected lot does not contain BOM items to consume.Search for another lot that contains BOM items, and then consume the BOM item.
    Serial/lot does not match the material being consumedThe BOM item material differs from the material in the lot being consumed.Ensure that the material in the BOM item and lot are identical.
    Duplicate record found. Unable to consume.More than one record or duplicate records are available for the same lot in the Production Unit. You cannot consume a BOM item from a lot with duplicate records in an operation. Ensure that there are no duplicate records in the selected lot.
    Unit of measure of the serial/lot does not match unit of measure for required quantity.The unit of measure (UOM) of the BOM item and the lot is different.Ensure that the UOM of the BOM item and the lot is same.
  6. In the QTY TO CONSUME box, enter the quantity of consumption of the BOM item.
    • If each BOM item has a separate lot number, enter the lot number of each BOM item in the SERIAL/LOT# box, and then enter 1 in the QTY TO CONSUME box. For example, suppose you have been assigned the motor assembling operation. For the endshields BOM item, since the required quantity is two, you must enter the lot numbers of the two endshields used in the motor. In this case, in the QTY TO CONSUME box, enter the value 1 for each wheel.
    • If the BOM items have a combined lot number, enter the lot number, and then enter the number of BOM items consumed in the QTY TO CONSUME box. For example, suppose you have been assigned the motor assembling operation for a motor. If the operation requires four nuts and bolts, enter the lot number for the nuts and bolts BOM item, and then enter 4 in the QTY TO CONSUME box.
    Note: If the lot number that you have entered does not exist in Plant Applications, a window appears, asking you whether you want to create the lot number. If that happens, enter the quantity to create and consume, and then select Yes.
  7. Select Consume.
    The details of the BOM item consumption are saved, and appear in the Consumed History section.
    Tip: You can navigate to the next BOM item by selecting the corresponding link. Or, you can skip to any BOM item by entering the serial number of the BOM item or scanning the bar code of the BOM item.
  8. Repeat steps 3 through 6 for each serial number on which you have performed the operation.

Next Steps

Provide data for quality variables for each serial number in the operation.

Provide Data for Quality Variables

About This Task

Quality variables include details about the data that you must collect while performing an operation. These variables are defined in Plant Applications Administrator. The values that you provide for these variables help verify that the parameters that are critical to the quality and manufacturing processes are within the acceptable limits. You can use this data to review the performance of a production line and production unit and compare the quality of the products produced in each unit with projections for an operation.

For example, suppose you have been assigned the testing operation in a motor manufacturing unit. Quality variables can include the torque and rpm of the motor shaft. When you test each motor, you must enter the torque and rpm values for the corresponding serial number. A quality supervisor can then verify that the torque and rpm fall within the acceptable range.

You can provide data for quality variables only for serial numbers that are in progress.

Before You Begin

Clock on the serial numbers for which you want to provide data for quality variables.


  1. In the Work Queue page, select the operation for which you want to provide data for the quality variables.
  2. Select Quality.
    A list of serial numbers in the operation appear in the left section.
  3. Select the serial number whose data you want to provide.
    A list of quality variables defined for the operation appear in the workspace.
    • By default, only the mandatory quality variables appear. If you want to access all the quality variables, switch the Dynamic Rows toggle.
    • If you want to view the lowest, highest, lower quartile, upper quartile, and median values for each variable, select . If you want to view the same values plotted on a chart, select .
    • If you want to add a comment, select .
  4. For each variable, enter data in the SPEC column.
    Tip: If you want to plot the value on a chart, select .
    If acceptable limits have been specified for the variable, the box in the SPEC column displays a color, indicating whether the value that you have entered is within the acceptable range.
  5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 for each serial number in the operation.


The data for the quality variables is saved.

Next Steps

If a part contains a defect, create a defect. Otherwise, mark the operation complete for the serial number.

Create a Defect

About This Task

If a job is defective, you must create a defect for the serial number. A quality supervisor uses this data to inspect the job, and dispose it using NCR Management.

The following conditions apply when you create a defect:
  • You can create a defect only for serial numbers that are clocked on.
  • You can create a defect for serial numbers that are clocked on by you.
  • You can create a defect for multiple serial numbers at the same time.


  1. In the Work Queue page, select the operation for which you want to create a defect.
  2. Select NCR.
    In the left section, a list of serial numbers in the operation appears. In the workspace, a list of defects that have been created for the first serial number in the list appears.
  3. Select Create Non Conformance.
    Note: The Create Non Conformance button does not appear for completed serial numbers.
    The Select Serial/Lot window appears, displaying the serial numbers in the operation that are in progress.
  4. If you want to create a defect for all the serial numbers in the operation, select the check box in the heading row of the table.
  5. If you want to create a defect for selected serial numbers, perform one of the following steps:
    • Select the check box for each serial number for which you want to create a defect.
    • Search for a serial number by entering a value in the Search box, and then select the check boxes from the filtered list that appears.
  6. Select Next.
    The Summary section appears.
  7. Provide values as specified in the following table.
    SUMMARYEnter a summary for the defect. A value is required in this field.
    NON CONFORMANCE TYPEThis field is disabled and populated with the value ManufacturingDefect.
    DEFECT TYPESelect the defect type. A value is required in this field.
    DEFECT REASONSelect Select Reason, and then provide values for each level of reasons for the defect. This helps identify the root cause of the defect.
    FULL DESCRIPTIONEnter a description for the defect that does not exceed 1000 characters.
  8. Select Submit.


  • A defect is created.
  • The status of the selected serial numbers changes to On Hold (indicated by ).
  • In the ON HOLD column in the Work Queue page, the value is updated for the corresponding operation, and appears as a link. When you select the link, a list of the serial numbers in the operation for which you created a defect appears.
  • The defect appears in the NCR Management application for a quality supervisor to dispose the defective job.

Next Steps

After you finish working on all the serial numbers assigned to you for the operation, mark the operation complete.
Note: If a defect has been created for a serial number in the operation, you can mark the operation complete only after the defect has been disposed.

Mark an Operation Complete

About This Task

After you perform an operation on a part, you must mark the operation complete for the corresponding serial number.

After all the serial numbers for the operation are marked complete, the operation is marked complete. It is then removed from the list in the Work Queue page. After all the operations for a work order are marked complete, the work order is marked complete in Plant Applications. You can view the completion status of the work order in Order Management.

The following conditions apply when you mark a serial number complete:
  • You can mark a serial number complete only if you have specified the BOM consumption for all the mandatory BOM items for the operation. The quantity of the consumed BOM items must be greater than or equal to the required quantity to perform the operation.
  • You can mark a serial number complete only if you have provided data for all the mandatory quality variables for the operation.
  • You can mark a serial number complete only if it is clocked on by you.
  • You can mark multiple serial numbers complete at the same time.

Before You Begin


  1. In the Work Queue page, in the column containing the operation that you want to mark complete, select .
    Note: The button appears only if there is at least one serial number that you can mark complete.
    The Select Serial number(s) to complete window appears, displaying a list of serial numbers that you can mark complete.
  2. If you want to mark all the serial numbers complete, select the check box in the heading row of the table.
  3. If you want to mark selected serial numbers complete, perform one of the following steps:
    • Select the check box next to each serial number that you want to mark complete.
    • Search for a serial number by entering a value in the Search in clocked on serial numbers box, and then select the check boxes from the filtered list that appears.
  4. Select Complete.


  • The selected serial numbers are marked complete.
  • The value in the COMPLETED column for the operation is updated.
  • If all the serial numbers in the operation are marked complete, the operation no longer appears in the Queue page. It appears in the By Work Order page until all the operations in the work order are complete.