
About Equipment

As a supervisor, you can use the Equipment application to review summary and status information for plant lines and units. Here, you can identify production inefficiencies contributing to lower OEE.

Note: To access information about a Production Unit in the Equipment application, you must specify Production Rate Specification for the Production Unit in the Plant Applications Administrator. Else, the Production Unit does not appear in the Equipment application. For more information, refer to the OEE: Production Metrics topic in the Proficy Plant Applications Help.
The following donut charts display line and machine metrics:
  • OEE: Overall equipment effectiveness (OEE) is a measure of production health or status. By comparing OEE between machines or group of machines, you can identify lines or machines with production inefficiencies like waste, downtime, speed/performance loss, and production throughput that contribute to lower OEE.
  • Performance: You can review line and unit performance rates to compare how much each line or unit produced against projections.
  • Quality: You can review the quality rate to identify lines with high waste counts, which reduces quality and contributes to a lower OEE.
  • Availability: You can review the Availability rate for a Machine or group of Machines for a selected time range (for example, Current Shift, Yesterday).

The following Equipment dashboard displays information for the selected department HISTCENT, viewed by Lines in that department. It contains KPI information for each of the lines collected over the past week.

Figure: Equipment Dashboard

When you expand a KPI card, you can review detailed information such as downtime reasons, downtime by category, scrap breakdown, and loss by category as Pareto and waterfall charts.

The following example expands the view of the Availability KPI.
  • In the Downtime Breakdown section, a Pareto chart displays the downtime breakdown by reasons, while in the Downtime by Category section, a waterfall chart displays the downtime by category.
  • In the Downtime Breakdown or Downtime by Category section, select an option in the View by drop-down list box to view the chart by Duration or Count.
  • You can access a similar expanded view for Quality and Performance KPIs.
Figure: Availability: Expanded View

A Gantt chart displays the up and downtime on the time axis. The grey colored vertical strips represent the up-time, and the other colored strips display the downtime events for different categories.

If you select the Line level, the Gantt chart displays the downtime events for individual Units. If you select the Unit level, the Gantt chart displays the individual downtime reasons. In both the cases, colors displayed for the downtime events are based on the categories, and they are inconsistent with the Waterfall and Pareto charts.

When you pause on a chart, a tooltip displays the following details:
  • Fraction: Corresponding percentage of the total downtime
  • Count: Number of events
  • Duration: Downtime duration
You can use the Equipment application to perform the following tasks.

Access the Equipment Summary

The Equipment application in Plant Applications enables you to access the summary of Equipment for the Production Lines in a Department or Production Site or Production Units in a Production Line. The Equipment summary appears as a series of Donut charts for KPIs such as OEE, Performance, Quality, and Availability.


  1. Log in to the Plant Applications Universal Client.
  2. Select .
    A page displaying the Equipment summary appears.
  3. Select an option in the View by box as described in the following table.
    SummaryWhen you select this option, a summary for all the Production Lines with Low OEE across departments appears in the page. This option is selected by default.
    LinesWhen you select this option, an In box appears, in which you can select a Department. After you select a Department, the page displays the Equipment summary for the Production Lines within the selected Department.
    UnitsWhen you select this option, an In box appears, in which you can select a Production Line. After you select a Production Line, the page displays the Equipment summary for the Production Units within the selected Production Line.
  4. In the drop-down list box next to the View by box, select a time range as described in the following table.
    Current Shift Select to access the summary of the Equipment in the ongoing shift. By default, this option is selected.
    Last ShiftSelect to access the summary of the Equipment in the shift prior to the current shift.
    TodaySelect to access the summary of the Equipment on the current Production Day.
    YesterdaySelect to access the summary of the Equipment from the day prior to the current Production Day.
    Current WeekSelect to access the summary of the Equipment within the ongoing Production Week.
    Last WeekSelect to access the summary of the Equipment within the Production Week prior to the current Production Week.
    CustomSelect to access the summary of the Equipment within a date and time range that you specify by using a calendar window.

    The following calendar window appears when you select the Custom option.

    To specify a custom date and time range in the calendar window:
    1. In the START DATETIME section, select a date and enter a time in the format hh:mm:ss.
    2. In the END DATETIME section, select a date and enter a time in the format hh:mm:ss.
    3. Select Apply.
    Note: If there are no shifts configured for the plant, the Current Shift and Last Shift options do not appear.

    The time range calculations for the Current Shift and Last Shift time range options are based on the Site_Parameters table rather than the Crew_Schedule table.

    In the page displaying the Equipment summary:
    • The time range that you select appears.
    • The Donut charts summarizing OEE, Quality, Performance, and Availability for each KPI appear
    Note: These KPI metrics are based on the OEE Aggregation Store setting. If OEE Aggregation Store is set to False, the values are calculated on the fly every time the chart is opened or refreshed. If it is set to True, the values are populated from the OEE Aggregation tables. For more information, refer to the About OEE Aggregation Store topic.
    Each KPI card displays the following status information.
    GoodBlue> 85 percent
    ModerateYellow> 50 percent and <= 85 percent
    LowRed<= 50 percent
    Note: The maximum value for the KPIs are set to 100% by default. However, you can override this by setting OEE Max Limit Override to true. The OEE Max Limit Override flag allows the OEE cap beyond 100%. When this flag is set to false and the KPI actual value is more than 100%, the value is defaulted to 100% in the chart.
  5. To access the detailed KPI information, select + in the KPI card. The Availability KPI card with the detailed KPI information also includes summary statistics.
    Note: The detailed KPI information is not available for the OEE KPI card.
    The Pareto and Waterfall charts that show the detailed information for the selected KPI appear in the page displaying the Equipment summary. When you select + for a KPI card, the charts appear, displaying information about the KPI as described in the following table.
    QualityDisplays the following details about the calculated Quality by product:
    • Scrap Breakdown: A Pareto chart displaying the top five reasons for the scrap breakdown. Select Get By Duration to access the breakdown information by duration.
    • Loss By Product: A Waterfall chart displaying losses by product.
    Note: In the View by box for a chart, select Quantity or Count to access the data according to the selected option in the chart.
    PerformanceDisplays the following details about the calculated Performance by product:
    • Speed Loss Breakdown: A Pareto chart displaying the top five reasons for the speed loss breakdown.
    • Speed Loss By Category: A Waterfall chart displaying speed losses by category.
    Note: In the View by box for a chart, select Duration or Count to access the data according to the selected option in the chart.
    AvailabilityDisplays the following details about the calculated Availability related to the uptime of the machine:
    • Summary Statistics: A list of the number of events, total downtime, mean time to repair (MTTR), and mean time between failures (MTBF) values. By knowing MTBF and MTTR values, you can schedule around the availability of the Equipment while informed of the time between failures and the time it takes to resolve issues, thus enhancing OEE.
    • Downtime Breakdown: A Pareto chart displaying the top five reasons for the downtime breakdown.
    • Downtime by Category: A Waterfall chart displaying downtime by category.
    • A list of reasons for the downtime and color-coded charts that display uptime and downtime for the selected time range.
    Note: In the View by box for a chart, select Duration or Count to access the data according to the selected option in the chart.
    When you hover over any bars in the charts, the tooltip displays the information about the attributes described in the following table.
    FractionCorresponding percentage of the total downtime
    CountNumber of events
    DurationDowntime duration
  6. Optional: Select , then select the NPT check box, and then select Apply to include any non-productive time (NPT) in the results. For more information, refer to the About Non-Productive Time in Downtime Calculations topic.