Tracking Data in Schedules

The Tracking Configuration tab allows you to track subprocess or workflow level data and local variables while a workflow is running.


The following table is an overview of the tracking configuration options available when you want to override the current workflow settings:
Note: To view a tracked variable after a workflow has run, enable tracking at both the process (workflow) and subprocess level.
Override Default Tracking for this ScheduleN/ASelect this check box to enable the Tracking Settings options.
Enable TrackingN/ASelect this check box to enable tracking for the schedule.
Enable Tracking: Track at the Process Level OnlyN/ASelect this option to track workflow data only.
Enable Tracking: Track at the Process and Subprocess LevelN/ASelect this option to track both workflow and subprocess data.
Workflow/SubprocessN/ASelect a workflow or subprocess to track its local variables.
Trackable VariablesN/ASelect the local variables you wan to track for this schedule.