Completion Codes
Completion codes indicate how a subprocess finishes, and may change depending on the outcome of the subprocess execution.
Any information the completion code provides is pre-set and user-defined. This information is referred to as values. You can define a set of completion codes for workflows in a project. Each subprocess has a built-in completion code property that can be preconfigured, depending on your needs. In general, if a subprocess completes as X, then set the completion code value to state X. If a subprocess does not complete as X, then set the completion code to state Y.
If the default value of the completion code property is set to "Success," and the subprocess finishes as expected, the completion code value remains as "Success." If the default value of the completion code property is set to "Success," and the subprocess encounters a problem during execution, the pre-set completion code value becomes "Failure." You would have preconfigured the values "Success" and "Failure" in the workflow development stage to provide more information about the outcome of the subprocess.
Completion codes are also important for reporting purposes. They store the subprocess history, or the result of the subprocess. This information can be included in history reports.
Completion codes can also be used to make decisions in other parts of a workflow's process. That is, you can compare a subprocess' completion code property to one of the defined completion codes in an If/Else condition to decide which workflow path to follow.