Status Message Activity
The Status Message activity allows you to create custom status messages throughout the instance of a workflow.
Tip: The property value of the containing subprocess must be Visible Property in order for this activity to be valid, and a message must be entered.
General Settings
Option | Value | Description |
Update Status | User-defined | Updates the status message by overwriting the previous status message in Task List/Task Management. |
Clear Status | User-defined | Clears the status message. |
Waiting for unit ‘x’ to finish processing.
X is an equipment name obtained from a Production Service Provider call method. For this message to display, you require a Call Method activity and Index activity to pull the correct data into the location where the Status Message activity is.
Perform the following actions:
- Use a Call Method Activity to call the “ReadEquipmentRequirements” method on the Production service provider for a specified segment ID. This returns an array of EquipmentRequirementAttribute objects.
- Use an Index Activity or For Each Activity to get the specific EquipmentRequirementAttribute that you need out of the array. For example: you may check the EquipmentClass property on each EquipmentRequirementAttribute to find which "Mixer" class is specified in the work request.
- Use the output of the Index or the current value of the For Each to get your equipment name.
"Waiting for " + {forEachActivity1}.{CurrentValue}.{Equipment} + " to finish processing."