Status Message Activity

The Status Message activity allows you to create custom status messages throughout the instance of a workflow.

The Status Message activity allows you to create custom status messages which are visible when a workflow is running. By using status messages, you provide information about a variety of considerations related to the task to the operators performing these tasks; for example, long processing times. Each subsequent status message activity overwrites the previous message.
Tip: The property value of the containing subprocess must be Visible Property in order for this activity to be valid, and a message must be entered.

General Settings

Update StatusUser-definedUpdates the status message by overwriting the previous status message in Task List/Task Management.
Clear StatusUser-definedClears the status message.


Waiting for unit ‘x’ to finish processing.

X is an equipment name obtained from a Production Service Provider call method. For this message to display, you require a Call Method activity and Index activity to pull the correct data into the location where the Status Message activity is.

Perform the following actions:

  1. Use a Call Method Activity to call the “ReadEquipmentRequirements” method on the Production service provider for a specified segment ID. This returns an array of EquipmentRequirementAttribute objects.
  2. Use an Index Activity or For Each Activity to get the specific EquipmentRequirementAttribute that you need out of the array. For example: you may check the EquipmentClass property on each EquipmentRequirementAttribute to find which "Mixer" class is specified in the work request.
  3. Use the output of the Index or the current value of the For Each to get your equipment name.
As a result, in the Status Message expression, you will need the following:

"Waiting for " + {forEachActivity1}.{CurrentValue}.{Equipment} + " to finish processing."