Index Activity

An Index activity is used with any collection of data to look up a value at a specified index on the collection.

An Index activity allows you to select a single row or column out of a DataTable data type. Historian is a common source of data tables that can be accessed through Data Items. To access a cell of a data table, insert two Index activities. The first Index activity selects the row, and the second binds to the output of the first Index activity to select the column of that row.


The Index activity contains the following configuration options:

CollectionSystem-definedUse the drop-down arrow to bind a compatible resource property from an activity, the containing subprocess, a global subprocess, or a workflow.

Click the ellipsis button to change these settings.

Index TypeSystem-definedAllows you to choose the appropriate data type for the resource in the column or row to be selected. The available data types depend on the variable that you select in the Collection field.
IndexSystem-definedAllows you to select a row, bind to another resource, or to create an expression based on the value.
OutputsResult; System-definedDisplays the output value of the Index activity.
Note: If sufficient metadata is available, when indexing the rows collection of the DataTable, there is an output property for each column in the table.