Clocking off an Operation

About Clocking off an Operation

As an operator, you can clock off an operation if you want to stop working on a serial number intermittently. The timer in the page displaying operation details stops tracking the time when you clock off an operation and starts tracking back only when you clock on the operation again. Thus, the time taken to complete the operation excludes the clocked off time, resulting in a more accurate calculation.
Note: When you complete an operation, the operation is clocked off automatically.

Clock off an Operation

Before You Begin

You can only clock off an operation in the clocked on state.


  1. Select Operations.
  2. In the Machines drop-down list box, select a machine.
    The Open page appears, displaying a list of operations for the selected machine.
  3. Select a clocked-on operation, and then select the OFF button to enable the clock-off process on an operation.


The operation is clocked off.