Consuming a Lot

About BOM Parts

The bill of materials (BOM) is a list of formulation items required to manufacture a product. The BOM section in the Operations application enables you to access a list of BOM parts or items associated with an operation within a Production Unit and consume them during production. In the Operations application, a BOM item is represented by the BOM part number.

To consume a lot during production, you must perform the following steps:
  1. Access a BOM part from the existing list of BOM parts to view the consumption history. You can use the consumption history of a BOM part within an operation to compare the required quantity with the consumed quantity of the BOM part.
  2. Consume a lot during production.
  3. Create a lot, in case, the BOM part does not exist.
The color of a row in the table indicates the requirement type and the consumption status of a BOM part as described in the following table.
PinkIndicates that the BOM part is mandatory to complete an operation. When you select a mandatory BOM part, the page containing the part details and consumption history displays the MANDATORY label. To complete an operation, you must consume all the mandatory BOM parts in the operation.
Note: The BOM tab in the Operations application displays the quantity of mandatory BOM parts required to complete an operation when the following conditions are true:
  • The required BOM parts are not consumed for an operation.
  • The quantity of BOM parts consumed is lesser than the required quantity of the BOM parts.
WhiteIndicates that the BOM part is not mandatory to complete an operation.
Note: These BOM parts are supplementary for an operation.
BlueIndicates that consuming the BOM part is mandatory and the BOM part is consumed while executing an operation during production.
Note: The BOM part row turns blue when the consumed quantity of the BOM part is greater than or equal to the required quantity of the BOM parts for that operation.

Access a BOM Part

About This Task

An operation contains a list of parts necessary to execute an operation. As an operator, you can access the BOM section in the Operations application to consume the BOM parts in a Production Unit.


  1. Select Operations.
  2. In the Machines drop-down list box, select a machine.
    The Open page appears, displaying a list of operations associated with the selected machine.
  3. In the Open page, select an operation, and then select the BOM tab.
    The BOM section appears, displaying the BOM parts associated with the selected operation.
  4. Refer to each field for a BOM part that appears in the BOM section as described in the following table.
    ORDERThe recommended order of consumption of the BOM part in an operation.
    PART#The BOM part number associated with the consumable material lots.
    DESCRIPTIONThe description of the BOM part.
    REQ QTYThe planned quantity of the BOM parts required for the completion of an operation.
    CONSUMED QTYThe actual quantity of the BOM parts consumed during the production.
    UOMThe unit of measure (UOM) of the BOM part.
  5. In the BOM section, select a part.
    The page containing the part details and consumption history appears.


The BOM parts for the selected operation appear in the Operations application.

Consume a Lot

About This Task

Consuming a lot represents the process of utilizing a BOM part within an operation. As an operator, you can access the BOM section in the Operations application to consume the lots while executing an operation.
You must clock on an operation to consume a lot.


  1. Select Operations.
  2. In the Machines drop-down list box, select a machine.
    The Open page appears, displaying a list of operations associated with the selected machine.
  3. In the Open page, select an operation, and then select the BOM tab.
    The BOM section appears, displaying the BOM parts associated with the selected operation.
  4. In the BOM section, select a BOM part.
    The page containing the selected BOM part details appears.
    Tip: You can access the consumption history of the BOM parts in the Consumed History section.
  5. In the SERIAL/LOT# box, enter the serial number or lot number of the BOM part that you want to consume in the operation. Alternatively, to search for a lot by using a barcode, select , and then scan for the barcode of the lot associated with the BOM part. The Operations application supports the barcodes of standards Code 39 and Code 128 only.
    Note: The SERIAL/LOT# box and the button are available only when the operation associated with the BOM part is clocked on. Else, you can access only the Consumed History for that BOM part. The search result of the SERIAL/LOT# box is not case-sensitive.
    The Available: <quantity_of_parts> message displays the quantity of BOM parts available in the lot for consumption. If the required quantity of the BOM parts specified in the REQUIRED QTY box is less than or equal to the quantity available in the lot, the Available: <quantity_of_parts> message appears in grey, else the message appears in red. In the REQUIRED QTY box, if you enter a lot number of a lot that is unavailable in the Plant Applications database or enter a value more than the available quantity in the lot, an informational message appears in red as described in the following table.
    Informational Message NameMessage ConditionCorrective Actions
    Available: <quantity_of_parts>The available quantity in the lot is lesser than the required quantity specified in the REQUIRED QTY box.Do one of the following tasks:
    • Consume the available quantity of the BOM part from the existing lot, and then consume the remaining quantity from another lot.
    • Search for another lot that contains the total required quantity of the BOM part, and then consume the BOM part.
    Serial/Lot Not FoundThe lot number or serial number is invalid. Ensure that the lot is available in the database. You can create a lot on a machine and then consume the BOM parts from the lot. For more information, refer to the Create a Lot topic.
    This serial/lot is currently not available. Production status = consumed,Current quantity = <value>.The lot is not available in the database for consumption.Search for another lot that contains BOM parts, and then consume the BOM part.
    Lot identifier is found but not available for consumptionThe selected lot does not contain BOM parts to consume.Search for another lot that contains BOM parts, and then consume the BOM part.
    Serial/lot does not match the material being consumedThe BOM part material differs from the material in the lot being consumed.Ensure that the material in the BOM part and lot is identical.
    Duplicate record found. Unable to consume.More than one record or duplicate records are available for the same lot in the Production Unit. You cannot consume a BOM part from a lot with duplicate records in an operation. Ensure that there are no duplicate records in the selected lot.
    Unit of measure of the serial/lot does not match unit of measure for required quantity.The unit of measure (UOM) of the BOM part and the lot is different.Ensure that the UOM of the BOM part and the lot is same.
    Note: An error message appears when the Operations application is unable to retrieve the lots for consumption from the Plant Applications database.
  6. In the QTY TO CONSUME box, enter the quantity of the BOM parts you want to consume in the operation.
    Note: The quantity must be a positive integer. If you enter a value less than or equal to zero in the QTY TO CONSUME box, an informational message appears indicating that you must enter a value greater than zero.
  7. Select Consume.
    Note: If you select Consume without entering the quantity of the BOM parts you want to consume in the QTY TO CONSUME box, an error message appears in red indicating that you must enter a valid serial or lot number in the SERIAL/LOT# box.
    An entry for the consumption of the material is added to the table in the Consumed History section. In case you consume more than one lot for an operation, the number of entries in the Consumed History section depends on the number of lots that are consumed. After an entry is created in the Consumed History section, you cannot cancel the consumption of the BOM part. If there are any issues in the Consumed History section, contact your Administrator through the Plant Applications Administrator Client.
  8. Optional: Select the PART# links in the page displaying BOM part details to navigate to the previous and next BOM parts in a sequential order of the BOM parts.
  9. Optional: In the JUMP TO PART NUMBER box, specify the part number that you want to locate and then press the Enter key on the keyboard. You must enter the complete part number in the search box and the Operations application displays only the BOM part that contains the search text. Alternatively, to search for a BOM part by using a barcode, select , and then scan for the barcode of the BOM part. The Operations application supports the barcodes of standards Code 39 and Code 128 only.
    The page containing the selected BOM part details appears.


The BOM parts are consumed in the selected operation, and the quantity of the material consumed appears in the CONSUMED QTY field in the BOM section in the Operations application.

Create a Lot

About This Task

As an operator, you can create a lot in the BOM section if the lot is not available for consumption while executing an operation.
  • You must clock on an operation to consume or create a lot.
  • If the operation is not clocked on, the SERIAL/LOT# box is not enabled.


  1. At any point while you are consuming a lot, enter the lot number of the BOM part you want to consume in the SERIAL/LOT# box.
  2. In the QTY TO CONSUME box, enter the quantity of the BOM parts you want to consume in the operation.
  3. Select Consume.
    A message appears indicating that the lot number you entered is not available in the Plant Applications database and if you want to create a lot.
  4. In the EQUIPMENT drop-down list box, select an equipment on which you want to create the lot.
    Note: A list of equipment or units appear based on your product and equipment configuration and the unit of measure (UOM) of the BOM part and the equipment. Based on these conditions, you can do one of the following:
    • Select one of the equipment, if more than one equipment is available in the Plant Applications database.
    • By default, an equipment appears in the EQUIPMENT drop-down list box, if there is only one equipment available in the Plant Applications database.
    • Create a lot on your current equipment if there is no equipment available in the Plant Applications database that matches with these conditions. However, you can create a lot on your current equipment only when the UOMs of your equipment and BOM part matches.
    Else, an error message appears indicating that the unit of measure (UOM) of the equipment does not match with the UOM of the BOM part. To resolve this error, you can configure the product and equipment in the Plant Applications Admin page.
  5. In the QTY TO CREATE box, enter the quantity of the BOM parts that you want to create on the lot.
  6. Select Yes.


A lot is created in the Plant Applications database and the quantity of BOM parts specified are consumed from the lot created.