Modifying a Route

About Modifying a Route

Note: By default, the Route Management page contains only the latest revision of each route. If you want the list to contain all the revisions of each route, contact your administrator to modify the settings in the Plant Applications Administrator application.

Modify a Route


  1. In the Route Management page, select the route that you want to modify.
    The Edit Route page appears.
  2. Select .
  3. As needed, modify values as specified in the following table.
    NAMEIdentifies the name of the route. Enter a unique value that does not exceed 100 characters.
    DESCRIPTIONIdentifies the description for the route. Enter a value that does not exceed 1000 characters.
    BOM FORMULATIONIdentifies the BOM formulation that you want to use in the route. This box contains a list of BOM formulations configured for the material in Plant Applications Administrator. You can select a value.
    Note: You cannot modify values in the REVISION, PRODUCTION LINE, and MATERIAL boxes.
  4. Select Update.


The changes made to the route are saved.

Modify an Operation

You can modify an operation if you want to change the name, description, equipment, or sequence of the operation.


  1. In the Route Management page, select the route containing the operation that you want to modify.
    The Edit Route page appears, displaying a list of operations in the route.
  2. As needed, modify values as specified in the following table.
    SEQUENCEIdentifies the sequence number of the operation. By default, the value in this column is 1. If multiple operations must be performed simultaneously, provide the same sequence number.
    Tip: When setting the sequence numbers, provide a gap in their values so that you can easily add new operations between other operations. For example, if the sequence number of the first operation is 1, set the sequence number of the second operation to 10. This allows you to add new operations between these two operations without the need to modify the sequence numbers of all the operations.
    NAMEIdentifies the name for the operation. Enter a unique name for the operation that does not exceed 100 characters.
    Note: The name must unique among all operations in the route.
    DESCRIPTIONIdentifies the description for the operation. Enter a description that does not exceed 1000 characters.
    EQUIPMENTIdentifies the equipment that is used to perform the operation. You can select multiple pieces of equipment for the same operation, and you can select the same piece of equipment for multiple operations.
    Tip: You can also select the equipment used in an operation by accessing the Resources section.
  3. Select Save.


The changes made to the operation are saved.

Copy an Operation

About This Task

This topic describes how to copy an operation. You can also create a new operation.


  1. In the Route Management page, select the route in which you want to copy an operation.
    The Edit Route page appears.
  2. In the left pane, in the row containing the operation that you want to copy, select .
    A new row for the copied operation appears in the Overview section.
    • The name of the copied operation is in the following format: Copy <name of the original operation>
    • The remaining columns are populated with the corresponding values in the original operation.
  3. Enter a unique name for the operation. The name must not exceed 100 characters.
  4. As needed, modify values as specified in the following table.
    SEQUENCEIdentifies the sequence number of the operation. If multiple operations must be performed simultaneously, provide the same sequence number.
    Tip: When setting the sequence numbers, provide a gap in their values so that you can easily add new operations between other operations. For example, if the sequence number of the first operation is 1, set the sequence number of the second operation to 10. This allows you to add new operations between these two operations without the need to modify the sequence numbers of all the operations.
    NAMEIdentifies the name for the operation. Enter a unique name that does not exceed 100 characters.
    DESCRIPTIONIdentifies the description for the operation. Enter a description that does not exceed 1000 characters.
    EQUIPMENTIdentifies the equipment that is used to perform the operation. You can select multiple pieces of equipment for the same operation, and you can select the same piece of equipment for multiple operations.
    Tip: You can also select the equipment used in an operation from the Resources section.
  5. Select Save.


The operation is copied.

Next Steps

Link a BOM item to the operation.

Delete an Operation

You can delete an operation if it is no longer needed to produce the product using the route.

Before You Begin

  • If you have made any changes to the route, save the changes.


  1. In the Route Management page, select the route for which you want to delete an operation.
    The Edit Route page appears.
  2. In the left pane, select in the row containing the operation that you want to delete.
    A message appears, asking you to confirm that you want to delete the operation.
  3. Select Yes, and then select Save.


The operation is deleted.
Note: The equipment linked to the operation is not deleted.

Upload a New Version of a Document

About This Task

Using Route Management, you can maintain the revision history of documents that you upload to the document store.

You can upload a new version of a document whether or not it is attached to a route or an operation. If the document has already been attached to a route or an operation, after you upload the new version, this newer version is used in the route or the operation. You can, however, use an earlier version of the document if needed.


  1. If the document has been attached to a route or an operation, perform the following steps:
    1. In the Route Management page, select the route to which you have attached the document.
    2. Select Documents.
      A list of documents attached to the route or to an individual operation in the route appears.
      Tip: You can access a list of documents attached to each operation by selecting the corresponding operation.
    3. In the row containing the document for which you want to upload a new version, select .
      The Upload document window appears. With the exception of the FILE NAME / URL box, all the boxes are disabled and populated with values from the previous version of the document.
    4. In the FILE NAME / URL box, enter the URL or path to the version of the document that you want to upload.
      Tip: If the document is stored in the local machine, you can select Browse to go to the path.
    5. Select Upload.
      The new version of the document is uploaded. All the routes and operations to which the document has been attached now use the version that you have uploaded.
      Note: You can access each version of the document by selecting in the row that contains the document.
  2. If the document has not been attached to a route or an operation, perform the following steps:
    1. In the Route Management page, select a route.
    2. Select Documents.
    3. In the upper-right corner of the Documents section, select .
      The Upload Document window appears.
    4. Provide the same values as those provided for the previous version of the document, and then select Upload.
      The new version of the document is uploaded.
      Note: You can access each version of the document by selecting , and then selecting in the window that appears.