System Scenario

Access a System Scenario


  1. Access the System Reliability Analysis for which you want to view a scenario.
  2. In the left pane, select the System Scenario whose details you want to view.
    The details of the selected Scenario appear in the workspace in the following sections:
    • Diagram
    • Definition: This section is displayed by default.

      Note: As needed, in the Definition section, you can select to modify the values in the available fields, and then select to save your changes.
    • Risks
    • Actions
    • Global Events
    • Grid View

Create a System Scenario

About this task

Each System Reliability Analysis must contain at least one Scenario.


  1. Access the System Reliability Analysis for which you want to create a new Scenario.
  2. In the left pane, select New Analysis.
    A new System Scenario is created. The name of the Scenario appears in the left pane in the following format:

    New Scenario <n>

    Where, <n> is the number of the Scenario that you created.

    Note: If you want to change the name of the System Scenario, in the Definition section, select . To save your changes, select . The name of each System Scenario must be unique to the root record.

Delete a System Scenario

About this task

Deleting a Scenario from a System Reliability Analysis will delete the System Scenario record and all Diagrams that are associated with it.


  1. Access the System Reliability Analysis for which you want to delete a scenario.
  2. In the left pane, select the scenario that you want to delete, and then select .
    A confirmation message appears.
  3. Select Yes.
    The selected System Scenario is deleted.


  • Any of the following associated components are deleted:
    • Elements
    • Resources
    • Risks
    • Actions
    • Global Events