Catalog Items

Dashboards Folder

The Catalog folder \\Public\Meridium\Modules\eLog\Dashboards contains the baseline dashboard that is used for the eLog Overview page. The following table contains the name of the dashboard and its usage.

Dashboard NameBehavior and Usage
eLog DashboardDisplays the eLog Overview page.

Graphs Folder

The Catalog folder \\Public\Meridium\Modules\eLog\Graphs contains the following items.

Item NameBehavior and Usage
Log Entries by TypeDisplays the Distribution of Log Entry Types chart on the eLog Overview page.

Queries Folder

The Catalog folder \\Public\Meridium\Modules\eLog\Queries contains the following items.

QueryBehavior and Usage
eLog Page FilterReturns the page filter used in the eLog Overview page.
List of Log EntriesReturns the list of Log Entries displayed in the Log Entries list on the eLog Overview page.
List of My Log EntriesReturns the list of Log Entries displayed in the My Log Entries list on the eLog Overview page.
Log Entries By TypeReturns the quantity of Log Entries grouped by type in the Distribution of Log Entry Types chart.
Report - All Log Entry Types

Returns all Log Entry types for reporting.

This query is an example query that you can copy to use as a starting point for returning Log Entries for a report.

Report - Log Entry, Shift Transition

Returns Log Entries of a specific type. In this case, the query returns Shift Transition Log Entries.

This query is an example query that you can modify as needed to return specific Log Entry types for a report.