
Product Workflow

This workflow describes the process for documenting scheduled and unscheduled events that occur during asset operation, and reporting findings related to shift periods.

Blue text in a shape indicates that a description is provided for that step in the following sections. For more information, refer to the topic Interpreting the Workflow Diagrams.

Assign UsersDefine ShiftsSelect Log Entry TypeCreate Log EntryAssign Causing AssetAccess Log EntriesComplete Log Entries

Assign Users

Persona: Solution Administrator

Assign users to the eLog Viewer, eLog Contributor, or eLog Administrator Security Group to enable them to view, create, and modify log entries.

Define Shifts

Persona: Solution Administrator

Define the Shift records for the site for which you are creating log entries.

Select Log Entry Type

Persona: Analyst

Select the type of log entry that you want to create.

Create Log Entry

Persona: Analyst

Create a log entry to document scheduled and unscheduled events that occur during asset operation, and report findings related to shifts.

Assign Causing Asset

Persona: Analyst

Assign the causing asset to the log entry for the event and findings.

Access Log Entries

Persona: Analyst

Find and view existing log entries on the elog Overview page. From this page, shifts and log entries can be accessed from the list in each section or viewed in a calendar context.

Complete Log Entries

Persona: Analyst

Change the state of a completed analysis to Complete. In a Complete state, the log entry cannot be edited unless returned to a state of In Progress.