Reconcile Tolerant Device ID

From the Advanced tab of License Client, you can select Confirm to start the reconcile operation.

Before you begin

  • You must not use the Proficy software products while reconciling the device ID.
  • If you are connected to Cloud Server, the existing licenses are automatically returned when you reconcile the device ID. However, if you are not connected to Cloud Server, you must return the existing licenses offline before the reconcile operation.


  1. In License Client, select Advanced.
  2. Select View or Reconcile Tolerant ID.
  3. Select Confirm to reactivate licenses with the new tolerant device ID.
    The Confirm button is available only if you have returned the existing licenses, or if you are connected to Cloud Server.


The new tolerant device ID is generated and the status of the reconcile operation is displayed.

What to do next

You must restart the products after the reconcile operation completes successfully.