Viewing Settings
The Settings page allows you to see the certificate enrollment URL used for enrolling devices with Predix Edge, create webhooks, set the timestamp format, and configure cloud services.
- Sign in to Edge Manager.Note: If you are assigned the Technician role, when you sign in (after changing your password), the Settings page is displayed, showing the certificate enrollment URL. This is the only page you see in Edge Manager.
- Click Settings in the left navigation pane.The tabs you see depend on your role. The administrator and operator have access to all the tabs on the Settings page. The viewer role has access to the Enrollment and About tabs only.
Tab Role Description Enrollment - Viewer
- Technician
- Administrator
- Operator
Displays the certificate enrollment URL. Webhooks - Viewer
- Administrator
- Operator
Administrator and operator can create and view Webhooks. The Viewer role can view this page.
Time - Viewer
- Administrator
- Operator
Administrator and operator can set the timestamp format for Edge Manager. The Viewer role can view this page.
Services - Viewer
- Administrator
- Operator
Administrator and Operator can add and configure new service instances. The Viewer role can view this page.
About - Viewer
- Administrator
- Operator
View Edge Manager version.