Medium Voltage DC Transmission system
Highly efficient onshore to offshore electrification solution
While oil & gas companies are globally looking at reducing their carbon emissions, electrifying the offshore platforms appears as an interesting option for the players of the upstream sector. Power Conversion has developed a system based on its latest drive technology and digital solutions to help connect efficiently offshore platforms to electrical power sources located on the shore.
Based on our modular multilevel converter technology, our onshore to offshore electrification solution is available for:
- Distance over 100 km
- Power over 100 MW, up to 300 MW
- DC voltage up to 300 kV
200 MW MVDC transmission system

We propose the complete system engineering including grid harmonics study and mechanical shaft analysis.
For an optimized experience, Power Conversion offers real-time simulation service for design & fast commissioning.
Available topologies
- Active Front End (AFE), with bi-directional, active and reactive power control
- Transformer-less up to 132 kV for footprint, reliability and efficiency optimization and improved grid quality
- High efficiency: 99%
- High availability, with N+1 or N+2 power cells redundancy
- Lower submarine cable cost compared to AC transmission
- Unmanned solution/no maintenance
- High power density
- Grid quality improvement
- No filter needed on the grid side: cost efficiency, compactness
- No reactive power compensation needed
- No need for a dedicated converter platform thanks to modularity & compactness
- Low carbon emissions
- Immunity against fault level thanks to DC decoupling
- Full flexibility available in terms of power demand
- Enable the integration of offshore renewable resources
- Full controllability thanks to EMS/PMS