Material Lots and Sublots

A lot or a sublot is a quantity of a material definition and is associated with an equipment resource. Lots can be viewed in the Inventory View of an associated material definition or associated equipment instance. The Inventory View is lot-based and sublots are visible only under their associated lot.

Lots and sublots can be directly associated with one material definition and one equipment resource only. A lot or sublot is distinguished by its S95Id. The description, material definition, location (equipment association), status, quantity, and unit of measure may be identical for lots and sublots.

Sublots are placed below lots and other sublots to create a hierarchy. Sublots can use distinct locations, statuses, quantities, and units of measure, but must share the same material definition as the lot. The lot or parent sublot quantity is not a sum of the child sublot quantities.

You can create a lot for the material definition: paint. The lot provides an inventory of all paint quantities subdivided in a hierarchy you design. Each lot and sublot has the properties defined as lot properties in the material definition.


Lot properties are derived from the associated material definition. In order for a material definition property to be associated with a lot, the Template for Material Lot Property check box must be selected on the material definition’s Properties tab.