Accessing a Work Order

About Work Orders

A work order is a request to manufacture a certain quantity of products in a given time. The work orders are grouped by product and are assigned to a specific Production Line for manufacturing. Depending on the quantity of the product to be manufactured, serial numbers are created in the ERP system.

Each row in the Order Management application represents a work order and are either created in Route Management or imported to the Plant Applications database by using the Plant Applications Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) scheduler and import services.
Note: For information on the import services, refer to the Plant Applications ERP Integration Guide.
You can use the Order Management application to perform the following tasks.
The status of a work order indicates the progress of work for the serial number and the operation, respectively. The following table provides a list of status indicators defined for a work order.
Table 1. Work Order Status Indicators
Status Status IndicatorDescription
ReadyIndicate that the work order is ready to be executed.
In ProgressIndicates that the work on a lot associated with a work order is in progress. This status indicator appears when an operation associated with the work order is clocked on when executing the work order.
CompletedIndicates that all the operations associated with all the lots are completed.
Note: If a lot is scrapped, it is not considered while marking an operation complete.

Access a Work Order

About This Task

As a supervisor, you can access work orders in the Ready, In Progress, On Hold, and Completed statuses associated with a Production Line.

Before You Begin

  • Using the Line drop-down list box, you can access work orders associated with multiple lines.
  • If you select a single line, the name of the selected line appears in the Line drop-down list box and if you select more than one line, the quantity of the selected lines appears (for example, 2 selected).
  • If you access any other application or log out from Plant Applications Universal Client, your line selections are retained.


  1. In the Order Management page, select a line in the Line drop-down list box.
    Tip: Enter a value in the Search box to search for a line by the line name. As you enter characters in the Search box, the field values list is automatically filtered to display only values that contain the search text.
    The Released page appears, displaying a list of work orders in the table in the In Progress status with an ascending sort applied in the ACT START field followed by those in the Ready status with an ascending sort applied by priority and then by the date in the PLAN START field (the field values of the oldest work orders appear first in the grid table). The number of work orders that appear in a page depends on the resolution of your computer screen.
  2. Refer to each field in the respective application page as described in the following table.
    STATUSThe status of the work order.
    WORK ORDERThe unique identifier of a work order associated with a Production Line.
    SERIAL/LOTThe quantity of serial numbers created in a work order.
    Note: If the planned quantity of serial numbers in the COMP QTY field is greater than one, the SERIAL/LOT field displays the quantity of serial numbers associated with the work order. Select number_of_serials to access a list of serial numbers and the statuses of each serial number associated with a work order. For more information, refer to the About Lots topic.
    MATERIALThe material number associated with the work order.
    HOLD QTYThe quantity of parts that are on hold in a work order.
    SCRAP QTYThe quantity of parts scrapped in a work order.
    COMP QTYThe quantity of parts completed or produced to that of the total quantity of parts planned in a work order. The COMP QTY appear in the format completed_quantity of planned_quantity (For example, 2 of 5).
    PRIThe priority of a work order. You can also prioritize a work order on a Production Line as per your need. For more information, refer to the Prioritize a Work Order topic.
    PLAN STARTThe date and time when the work order was planned to begin. The date and time appear in the format mm/dd hh:mm (for example, 03/27 10:58).
    PLAN ENDThe date and time when the work order was planned to end. The date and time appear in the format mm/dd hh:mm.
    ACT START The actual start date and time of the work order. The date and time appear in the format mm/dd hh:mm.
    ACT END The actual end date and time of the work order. The date and time appear in the format mm/dd hh:mm.
  3. Select to show and hide the fields in the table using a drag-and-drop operation.
  4. Optional: Select in the ACTIONS column in the table to cancel a work order. For more information, refer to the Cancel a Work Order topic.
    Note: You cannot cancel a work order in the In Progress status.
  5. Optional: Select for a field to filter the work orders.


The work orders appear in the respective application page.

Next Steps

Access the Work Order Status

Search for a Work Order


  1. In the Order Management page, select in the main navigation bar.
    A window containing a list of search options appears.
  2. Specify the appropriate search options as described in the following table.
    SERIAL/LOTEnter a serial number or lot number to access the associated work orders. You must enter complete serial number in the SERIAL/LOT box and the Order Management application displays only the work order that contains the search text.
    Tip: To search for a work order using a barcode, select , and then scan for the barcode of the serial number or lot number associated with the operation. The Order Management application supports the barcodes of standards Code 39 and Code 128 only.
    WORK ORDEREnter a work order number to access the details of the work order. You must enter the complete work order number in the WORK ORDER box and the Order Management application displays only the work order that contains the search text.
    Tip: To search for an work order using a barcode, select , and then scan for the barcode of the work order associated with the operation. The Order Management application supports the barcodes of standards Code 39 and Code 128 only.
    PRODUCTSelect the drop-down list box, and then search for a product to access the associated work orders.
    STATUSSelect the drop-down list box, and then select a work order status to access the associated work orders.
  3. Optional: Select for a field to filter a work order.


The work orders based on the specified search criteria appear.
Tip: To clear the results and perform new search, select Clear Results in the respective application page.